I think that we should do everything we cam to keep the undergound drug economy stromg by buying weed from loxal tax free dealers. This will help protect our children's children from living in the book A Brave New World. If you don't believe me watch the progress that drug companies have made im modifing drugs that are illegal in street form into drugs that make us more productive and easier to control. Legalization of anythimg isnt a step forward. Its just a step into making it profitable to the people in control imstead od the people making the money doing it when it was illegal. Growers are now taxed and done so by agovernment that is way more dangerous than any of the big money drug people they have criminalized. A society that doesnt see this is doomed.
Posted this from your cell or the prison library?
That's the spirit that that made humanity weak. I've been to prison a few times but that doesnt make what I am saying wrong anymore than a government organizing a gang to enforce laws they make up by any means they see fit doesnt make them right.
@SanDiegoAirport totally agree