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We have no internet at work. So I am ckeaning my office since all my work requires me to be connected on line. 5 people put with norovirus. Not the best day to have a coworker say god works in mysterious ways.

GreatNani 8 Nov 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Maybe the building is going to collapse, and gawd made those people sick to save only them! Why not ask your. Coworker to ask gawd about that?


Mercury Retrograde. Same difference.


No kidding

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 22, 2019

When it comes to the internet, God hates lags.

Deb57 Level 8 Nov 22, 2019

Re: "coworker that says god works in mysterious ways": a self-feeding self-propagating delusionist.


Just say "God's drunk again. Time to take away his keys."


Or he's just fucking with you! He probably gets bored. When you have been around forever and will be around forever, and no where in the Bible does it mention Gods sleeping except maybe on Sundays, his day of rest, he is bound to get a little cranky. This is also explains why those Sunday prayers don't get answered. He is napping.

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