Now that Virginia has turned blue and is going to pass sensible gun control legislation, people are panicking big-time and passing SECOND-AMENDMENT SANCTUARY RESOLUTIONS here and there. Campbell County, Lee County have fallen to this; there is a petition to get Frederick County on board; I've heard rumors that Appomattox will follow suit.The Washington County BOS, where I reside, has this on the agenda for December, and I've been told it will be passed. I wrote a scathing indictment of this whole sorry state of affairs in a recent LTE that the local paper just published, btw. Not gonna be popular, but I'm not here to win friends (in the LTE-writing business) . A lawyer buddy of mine calls me "the Socratic gadfly conscience" of SWVA. I laugh and remind her of just what happened to Socrates......
All lawshave loopholes & scofflaws. But, another charge to lay on misusers.......