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So what do you do when is time for a group prayer at work or dinner table? Do you observe it as a moment of silence or continue to the buffet?

ShayJohnson 5 Mar 25

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It doesn't bother me to bow my head with them while they pray to nothing. I take the opportunity too think about dirty sex. 😀

I use this time to figure out how to get in front of the buffet line 1st lolol


I just do a moment of silence as it is not my intention to make others uncomfortable

Sunny Level 4 Mar 25, 2018

Typically my protocol too


Use it as a minute of silence and do not bow your head fully. Look around to see who is also doing the same and you might find yourself a new friend.


I work in state government so this is not an issue at all. If I happen to be a guest at somone's home and they say grace or whatever prior to a meal, I'm respectful, but don't actively participate. People can believe whatever they want. If you work in the private sector (for a company) and they conduct prayer, that is their right, but, as others have said here, they can't force you to do it.


I like to look around and make eye contact with other people that are looking around. You can always tell who is not a real believer by catching them in said act.

Lol I do that too


Over here in the UK this would never happen at work. At someone's home it might, although vary rarely.

It has happend to me a few times with some frinds I had who were from the Philippines. They invited me over for dinner, and just before eating they started saying grace. I was a bit taken aback - I had never seen anyone actualy do this 'in the flesh.' Prior to this it was something I had only seen fictional characters on American TV shows doing, and therefore didn't seam 'real'.

I just stayed respectfuly quiet until they finished, 'when in Rome' and all that. It turns out that many people in the Philippines are Catholic, a hold over from the spanish colonisation between 1521 to 1898. I didn't know that before.

Nomad Level 6 Mar 25, 2018

I let them do their thing then start eating


Well should I get caught in a prayer I roll with it. A moment of silence and if I have to I will even throw one out. I already know that a meal or paycheck will do more for me than any magic man but if the others feels good about it. What ever.
Really the only time I get bothered by religion is when one assumes it's a cure all for something or they come at me with it like a weapon.
I have a tendency to use the same weapon against them. The Bible.


When I have dinner with my youngest there is a grace at the table. But then the youngest lives with her daddy, and it is his house. He gets to make the rules. Last time we had dinner over there the middle child and I made eye contact and rolled our eyes at the same time. She is so my child! I've never encountered it in a work situation and I think that might be illegal, unless it is a faith based organization. A moment of silence I think is acceptable, it is as the host wishes. However if it is work related and there is a prayer I am likely going to be doing some checking behind the scenes because I can think of a whole bunch of laws that may have been violated.


When I was younger, I refused flat out. Prayer, the pledge of allegiance, all of it. Now, when I go 2 my sons grandparents 4 dinner, we all get up and hold hands and grandpa says a prayer. I don't join in on the amen at the end, but the way I look at it, I am grateful 4 the food and I enjoy the company, so I'm not really praying, I'm just thinking about being grateful. I don't mind religious people unless they push it on others. Although there are some religious practices I am totally against, as long as they keep it 2 themselves, were cool

Byrd Level 7 Mar 25, 2018

Moment of silence in my case, no reason to be rude to others. Now if they want to have a discussion....well then the gloves come off 🙂


I'll entertain them, no matter how dumb I think it is.


I check out as quickly as possible. I excuse myself or step away from the group. I physically separate myself from the activity. Sometimes it empowers someone else to do the same.

I haven't seen a situation like that at work since I was in the army though.

JimG Level 8 Mar 25, 2018

I respect their ways...


I'm silent and respectful but I do not bow my head or close my eyes. At family gatherings, they tend to hold hands, so I usually go in another room so as not to draw attention. The last time I stuck around and didn't reach for a hand, an uncle grabbed my hand very tightly and there was a bit of an argument


I absent myself, if at all possible, from "grace" time. If its an opening/closing prayer, I do not bow my head or close my eyes. & if anyone sees me, they aren't going to say anything...they weren't praying either. & if they do say something, they risk the sharp side of my tongue.


I think a group prayer at work is out of place and an intrusion on the rights of others, but I respect the need for that individual to contribute in a way they think is helpful.
I think if you are having dinner in someone's home, their home should be respected. You can always say thank you, to the host and the prayer giver rather than Amen.

I love the thank you.


I always start slapping them and screaming "wake up you fools!". Which is probably why I'm single. Actually, that's just what I do in my head while I wait for it to end.

Lololol i do that when they take too long


Group prayer I back out of the room


If it's their home I stand quiet and look for somebody else not bowing his head but if it's my house we eat.

gearl Level 8 Mar 25, 2018

At work? Really? Who is involved in prayer at work?


My son in law and his family are more catholic then the Pope ... So before a meal or whatever , they usually start with a reading from the Bagel and a prayer .... I leave the room and return when it's done .


Yeah, I haven't heard anyone doing a prayer before eating since going to the Scouts when I was like 15 (I'm 38 now), and religion has been quite literally wiped out of the public place here, so you'll only see that in families. If a family invited me, I'll take a moment of silence since they so kindly share their food with me.

MarcO Level 5 Mar 25, 2018

I am quiet and respectful...but I do not bow my head, or fold my hands in a prayer fashion....and I never say "Amen"

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