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If there were a supreme being who was all-powerful, who could create worlds, and the universe, I don't see any reason why that entity with so much power would want or need a human to defend it, a human that is not much more than a puny little insignificant fucking ant . . . . . Living on a minute speck of dust, 93 million miles from a star that is one of billions in a galaxy filled with billions of similar stars, a galaxy that is but one of an infinite number of galaxies many light years apart from each other floating in what is for all intents and purposes, an infinite universe. So it almost becomes a comedy show . . . When people get all up in arms about someone not respecting the "god" they invented, obviously they did invent it, because otherwise why would they feel the need to defend it, yet claim it was the "creator" . . . . The joke is on them. When one person has an imaginary friend, it is madness, when a whole group of people have an imaginary friend, it is religion.

Archeus_Lore 7 Dec 2

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I’ve often thought that the concept of “blasphemy” is so inherently anti-religious that it would never have arisen if people really believed in their gods. All laws that demand some sort of obeisance to some god inherently admit that the god in question is powerless, and therefore not really a god, or at least not enough of a god to be worth worshipping.


It doesn’t take much intelligence to figure out that religion just doesn’t make any sense.


Common sense and logic are not part of the psyche of brainwashed believers who are to afraid to question this nonsense ,and so ignore logical conclusions in this regard.


I mean it is kind of a nonsequitor. There is no direct reason why a superpowerful being may not be susceptible to emotional instability. It can get lonely being the only being in existence. I've always liked the idea of Chuck as God from supernatural. Powerful but not perfect. If a god exists it is almost certainly closer to this.

So it was with the ancient Greeks, to them, the gods were imperfect, capricious, and often in human form . . . as I see it, monotheism was an invention of the elite who wanted to centralize power.


The classic question:

one of my favorite quotes


Well put!
But of course, the Christian religion was invented to control people and justify oppression, and plenty of people are eager to let others do their thinking for them.

Actually that tempts me even now..just let a big sugar daddy take care of everything and shoot lightning bolts at my enemies.


Ant? Boy, you're being very nice. Even smaller..


I expect my refrigerator to worship me weekly. Not. If a person expected whatever they had created to worship & respect them then we would all think they're sick. Message to God, get therapy.


As I view from the stance of a god, I look upon the earth and see nothing but bacteria.


Why would a Supreme Being be so insecure that he would need billions of insignificant mortals to worship him and be so touchy that he would send them to everlasting hell if they don't? Oh, and worship him in just the right way...whatever that is?

Possibly and because just like those who invented him he/she/it is an Egomaniac.


Could be imaginary friends if they are polytheistic. All the same to me.


"why that entity with so much power would want or need a human to defend it"

Believers are not defending God, the are defending their religious worldview.

"When people get all up in arms about someone not respecting the "god" they invented"

For Believers they are not upset you do not respect their god, they feel such as a disrespect to them. If their worldview is false them they must be LESS THAN, a dumbass, a victim of a con job and so forth. No one wants to feel they were duped, it is hard to admit, it is ego deflating.

Base human psychology resists ego deflating.

That is why Street epistemology, the Socratic method applied to believers beliefs via introspection, is so much more effective one on one than debate. It bypasses basic human psychological defense mechanisms.


I remember times in my life that my religious failings had me crying like a baby. Gradually I got stronger and saw that this was all a cruel joke played upon human kind. All the gods were false. No gods are trying to talk to you or tell you anything. Mankind is being played.

My key to understanding it all is to study the bible. Learn when, where, and how it all came into being as we know it. Understand that others before that time knew nothing of it, - only parts. Infallible words of a creator god become a flawed mess put into a supposed story line of existence that never happened. Other religions upon examination follow a similar line. It is all myth.


I LOVE the last line! I may borrow it!

Feel free to borrow anything I post . . .

@Archeus_Lore And both of you should give credit to the person who originally said it. []


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