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It isn’t just about Santa. People hold onto childish beliefs for way too long I think.

Grahame 6 Dec 3

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Hold on to childish beliefs as long as you can.


Halloween is becoming the National Takeover.


I guess I was 5 or 6, maybe earlier, but i can never remember a time when i believed in Santa. i always knew who to tell what i wanted and where the gifts came from, even if they were marked from Santa.


I told my children when they first asked me about the existence of Santa. My dad was pissed; said I destroyed their childhood.

They still got "Santa" presents well into their teenage years, but they knew who it was from.

I know I failed at times, but I did my best never to lie to my children.

Not a failure, children are much smarter than we give the credit for. My son discovered where we hid the Christmas presents at around 5 and had the presence of mind to not tell us until he was in his late teens.


I like the idea of removing the commercial aspect of buying gifts at xmas and instead maybe a Thanksgiving type diner followed by games and friendship. Maybe take Dickens lead and a game of blind mans bluff. I know of folks who have had marriage problems due to over spending on xmas. It might be more joyful to concentrate on friends and family rather than material gift giving and all that involves. Signed Mr Scruge.

I am for what you are saying except the Thanks giving bit. After all Thanks giving is not so great if we think about it. Celebrating the white man coming to the US, steeling land from the natives, killing them etc, etc. People really need to re think Thanks Giving.


Charles Dickens has a lot to do with the way modern Christmas is apparently:


It’s funny how churches transition from Santa Claus to Jesus. You’re too old to believe in Santa Claus because he is not real but the real truth is a man who was born from a virgin that walked on water and fed 5000 with a loaf of broad and rose again after 3 days like Jesus story is way more believable.


I knew a kid who believed into middle school and he was very intelligent otherwise - now a computer geek out West.


Merry Mythmass!
And Merry Mythmass to you too!

Are my standard responses with glee in my heart and a big smile. Instant cognitive dissonance in public a "did he say what I think he said?" as you walk away in Mythmass crowds.

I do not use FB anymore, but I see many of you do, so here. These are tweaked to fit the Fb home wallpaper.

and Merry Mythmass!

And for the spring equinox...


Funny, but I agree. I'm also seeing post on Facebook right now by grown relatives in their 50's who say Jesus is the reason for Christmas. Apparently they have never examined any facts.

Nor visited Santa on the local mall!

@Omnedon that is precisely the reason I took so many photos and assembled albums, it's hard to remember everything and a few snaps (don't even have to be good)at significant events make all the difference. I see photos of me as a child obviously believing santa was real as I didn't recognize my grandfather in the suit and beard but my earliest real memories of family xmas santa visits involve me helping him get into costume to play santa for my younger cousins and skeptically asking why he always went out for milk on xmas eve but never came home with any.

@Omnedon "he had gone to be with Jesus"
Well sort of true
If by which they mean they are both dead and gone then yes they are both together degrading and decomposing in the earth.

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