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"I'm an honest person!" Well that's really believable 😂 Being paranoid and skeptical of things already, when someone tells me this, I automatically think they're NOT an honest person. Ironic LOL. Then later after I have still given them the benefit of the doubt, I found out I was initially right (in most cases, not all).

vjohnson51 7 Dec 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh, yes... "I'm an honest person", "trust me" or even "believe me, I know..." - anytime self-vouching occurs, I start thinking about what angle is at play there... Self-vouchers make me wary.

That, and constant-smilers. It is my sincere belief that people that constant-smile, no matter what, are deeply damaged in some way.

And low-talkers. Mumblers. High-talkers too. Fast-talkers. Actually, all hominid speech is designed to manipulate, so the moment someone says anything, I assume they are trying to sell me something.

Eye-contact. The lack thereof. Both at the same time; think Marty Feldman. It's better to just walk away, methinks. It is the people themselves that tend to validate my inherent mistrust in strangers.

Why am I talking to all you potential axe-murderers, anyway???

I am going to hide under the bed for the rest of the day.


People don't like me for being honest . Sometimes , it's better to be diplomatic .


We are all a bit more or less dishonest sometimes, depending upon the circumstances. After all, how many people here have not told their children the truth about Santa.

@vjohnson51 Yes when it comes to “boasting” about how honest one is, I smell something off.


This is like a man telling you that he's a "nice guy". If he has to convince you that he's "nice", he's anything but.

Or a , "good man ."


Trust your gut.
You'll find it's rarely wrong.


One would hope that the honesty thing was a default position and doesn’t require clarification from the outset!


If you have to think about it, worse yet, announce it, Nope!


Even better ..... Trust me, I am an honest person. It is like two strikes to me.

If one is honest, then one doesn't have to profess it!

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