3 1

Ugh... I haven't been on this site for several months and I finally logged in to get a little bit of my thoughts and feelings out in the open. I've been going through a lot and I needed to see if any like-minded people had any of the same problems/feelings as I did. It took me a long time to get the words just right but I finally got it right and hit post.... straight back to the sign up page.... not the login but the actual sign up page. After hours of frustration I finally figured out that this site didn't like that I moved and as soon as I changed my zip code back, I was able to log back into my account.... unfortunately I am now back to a level 1.... sigh. Has anyone else had this problem or am i just lucky?

ToniMcLaughlan 1 Dec 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Strange problems to hear about. I have not had problems with the site except for some time, we could not upload some graphics but now they seem to have straightened it out. Have you allowed cookies in your browser?


I've had different problems with the site deleting my posts or making them inactive and have also not been on here much in the last 6 months.


That's terrible, I never heard of it happening before, but any good site should cope with a change of Zip code. Try writing to Admin.

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