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I expect to reach level 8 in the next month or two, which earns me a free t-shirt. It got me to thinking.

When I moved to Kansas City from New York about 30 years ago, I was shocked that people wore their religious views on their sleeves, figuratively speaking. In New York, unless you were part of some religious sect that mandates wearing of garb (yarmulke, hijab, etc.) you did not advertise or speak about your religious beliefs.

So what do you all think of public proclamations of one's beliefs, be they sectarian or non-sectarian, religiously-mandated garb excluded from consideration?

Bobbyzen 8 Dec 5

Enjoy being online again!

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38 comments (26 - 38)

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Think about 1/3 of the shirts I have express beliefs I have, and since I ordered the agnostic shirt in the dogs size I think no explanation required on advertising religious beliefs.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 5, 2019

I tend to not wear T- shirts with any writing on them. I much prefer subtlety.

I have a hard time hiding my horns and pitchfork. Not to mention the spiked tail.

@PondartIncbendog Yikes!

Yesss! Totally choose to wear clothing with no logos or promotions


Made level 8 last month and have yet to see my t-shirt, which I would proudly wear here in mormonville.


Some people like their shirts showing support of their sports deity professional teams. How about them Cowboys?

In modern society and sociology, some writers have commented on the ways that people no longer simply worship recognised deities, but also (or instead) worship consumer brands,[15] sports teams, and other people (celebrities).[16] Sociology therefore extends this argument to suggest outside of a religion worship is a process whereby society worships itself, as a form of self-valorization and self-preservation.[17] wikipedia - modern worship

Word Level 8 Dec 5, 2019

Sociologists, for once, got something right...


I live in the bible belt and also because of working in the IT area have two colleagues who are also nonbelievers. Because of that it can still be scary because one of my work colleagues is also a nonbeliever yet is silent about it. They all know because I am also silent with people who are outside of the science and continued learning area.


Practice your religion in peace & in private! Otherwise opinion is tolerated.


I live around Cleveland I have a Goulardi t-shirt and agnostic t-shirt I can wear them both just not simultaneously.


As stupid as the religious posts in Facebook asking for amens, one thing is to wear anything you want to wear, in the case of this site they are promoting the site, another thing is to flaunt idiotic proseltizing messages or being proud of being, that just shows how brainwashed one is, there's subtle differences in tone, but at the end we live in a free country where one can flaunt his/her own stupidity or not. First amendment dude.


Happy for you and getting your shirt. I've decided I want the unicorn doll from the Squatty Potty



This busines of ratings is absurd. Most of us have left childhood well behind us. I know I have. This is boy scout stuff.


I only wear my traditional religious garb while taking photographs for official government documents.

#cotFSM #Pastafarian


I think most wear their religion on their sleeves for the same reasons soldiers wear the flags of their countries on their arms, but I know some people just feel a need to blend in, and still others just don't have enough money for quality apparel.


I reached level 8 and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.

It takes an awful lot of opinion-spouting to get to that level. I don't think I'll make it for quite some time.

You didn't get the pen? That's the best part.

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