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This BS is what our justice system has come to... 6 months for stealing a lousy leftover cookie and nothing for those rich and powerful people who betray our country.

Man Sentenced to 6 Months for Eating a Cookie Is Released


NoPlanetB 8 Dec 10

Enjoy being online again!

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It never was justice for all. Never has been.


There's just so much wrong there it's hard to unpack it all.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 10, 2019

I would of gotten years for stealing my Moms cookies. She predicted I would grow up and be a criminal.

That is so ridiculous, looks like we have not advance much for the times people would steal a loaf of bread because they were starving.

I met a Haitian man who was missing a hand for stealing food.

What do for people cheating on their taxes, cut off their head?

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