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UPDATE ON BUTT SLAPPER... She's filing assault charges.

Reporter Files Police Report After On-Air Butt Slap: You Can’t ‘Help Yourself to a Woman’s Body’

Alex Bozarjian was slapped from behind by a youth minister while doing a live report on a local race for WSAV-TV


Good, I hope he has to do 200 hours of community service.

NoPlanetB 8 Dec 11

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Good for her.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 11, 2019

I was once was harded grabbed in the ass by a unknown woman and it hurt a bit. At first it was embarrassing in front of a crowd of people. Told her not to do it again. Then strangely in time I was flattered. Even a gay told me, I was hot, he said he wanted me and touched my arm. I could have charged him with verbal assault. But, at my age I can use all the attention I can get. I Could have charged that woman too, it would certainly harm her life. My tiny pinch will heal, Even yet I doubt the court would accept the charge by a woman.

With a woman, it must be a whole different game.

Personally I would not slap or grabbed a woman unless I was romantic interested and she begged for it. Back in the day, I wish I could of charged my alcoholics Dad for all those beating I took. Luckily no permanent scares.

Lately I think much of these assault charges are ruining a person life, like in Hollywood where they are over done.

Pleaseee... don't harm the messenger.

No, I think some cases have merit. I don't know this case well enough. Possibly he was harassing her before and may have deserve it.

It is getting to the point you can hardly talk to a kid without getting the evil eye for playing with a kid. I
am susjesting more tolerance on both sides. Before jumping to conclusions of intentions. You don't know a person without some kind of touch. No wonder nobody knows anybody anymore. Give a person a good warning if they touch you. When push comes to shove, then charge them.

@Castlepaloma perhaps you should watch the video where he winds up and slaps her ass before passing non judgment?

Should I stop socializing then? Because I shake hands, hug, touch an arm or kiss on the cheak, rarely a fun slap, yet not on the butt. Often with total strangers, I can see in their eyes if they don't want to be touched at all. Maybe a person like yourself, then I don't dare touch. Some people never gotten touched by their parents when they were in their crib.

The most important rule in my life is to never harm anyone. It would cause harm if that woman who grabbed me in the butt. If I gave her a criminal record.
Would not be justified at all

@Castlepaloma You touch me in public without my permission? Expect a black eye.

I don't know what world you live in,. Although everyone in my world, I know touches each other. We are all mature and respectful of each other. I already told you, your the kind I would see through my eyes, and would not dare to touch. You would
not ever get to know me anywhere close as my friends, families and financial partners. Don't try to make me out like some criminals molester or touch Rapest,


"Youth minister"........Hmmm. Wonder who else he has slapped?

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