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DIVERSITY IS NOT A STRENGTH: New Orleans has been one of the most diverse, multi-cultural, areas in the United States for nearly 200 years. AND::: It has been the MURDER CAPITOL of the United States for at least the past 50 years, probably since its first occupants.

This same insanity repeatedly plays out all over the world.

London is now considered one of the most diverse, multi-cultural, cities on the planet::: 1000 stabbing EVERY month. Nearly all by primitive immigrants who refuse to learn the customs, the language, nor behave as a civilized human being.

Do the research, before you spew shit in my general direction, as you usually do.

JacarC 8 Dec 12

Enjoy being online again!

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What it your purpose in posting this here? What does it have to do with "general hellos"?


"Aaaannndd, so, how many "primitive immigrants" live in New Orleans, you fact-finder machine? Just drag in your nasty racism even when your own examples refute your equally nasty premise, whydoncha?


Lotta alcohol there, I'm sure it contributes


That has more to do with a blatant disrespect for the law and for those who may be different than it does diversity alone. When people do respect each other's differences, that is when diversity is strength. Everything has ups and downs. Clean up the city of crimes and diversity will become their strength again.

AmyLF Level 7 Dec 15, 2019

For centuries now there has been those who seek to rationalize their Egoistic beliefs of superiority. Aristotle himself a supposed philosophical giant advocated the climate theory saying: the Greek was superior to lighter melanin and darker melanin people , the Islamic scholar IBN Khalud did this for the people of the Middle East people and the Portuguese king in 1400’s had his scholars start to publish literature to classify the Africans as less than human so that they could pave the way for colonialism, imperialism and the other isms; as they entered into foreign lands and decimated whole civilizations to satisfy their greed and lust for power . Leo Africanius , furthered these different theories throughout Europe , reporting that inhabitants there were running wild , when there were actually cities there and so on . Germany, Spain, England, and the Dutch just to name a few continued to have their scholars perpetuate myths to rationalize their actions . Millions were killed and converted to religions that were not indigenous to them , On the North American continent Cotton Mather and many others considered great men furthered the lies through religion, biology and the flawed scientific journals and essays they produced . The premise you put forth is flawed , false and based on regurgitated beliefs and false methods of reporting, it’s nothing new and merely a tool used so that the masses can be kept divided while a few rule over them. So when you talk of violence this is just a brief overview about the false narrative you speak on .

Thank you very much!!


My city and other metropolitan cities here are multicultural and it does not lead to increased crime rates. Also, correlation does NOT equal causation. There are soo many variables you are ignoring and placing all the blame on immigrants. If you knew how statistics worked at all, as in took even a rudimentary statistics class, you would know you are spewing an inaccurate xenophobic agenda. And, why you think having a purely anglo-saxon population would ensure peace and less crime is beyond me.


As long as factions of society behave as ..factions, little will change. But if we can’t get along in a city setting, will we ever achieve it on a global scale?

Someone I admire speaks often of the necessity of humanity acting as one, I agree. But short of an attack by ‘space aliens,’ what, if anything, will unite us?

Varn Level 8 Dec 13, 2019

I think you probably need to consider more independent variables to put this forward as a hypothesis.

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