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I will do whatever I want during Senate Impeachment Trial. - WTF!!!!! Acting like the Dictator-in-Chief again or maybe a King???? Agree/Disagree?????

sassygirl3869 9 Dec 16

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True to form, all drumpy all the time, unless having a tantrum


The moment he won the election in his mind he was coronated king and became above the law, and totally immune to rules of any kind (decency, morality, governing, humanity). His worshippers only help support this feeling. He was not kidding when he said during the campaign that he could shoot a man on the street on New York and get away with it. He truly believes it. He has been on the wrong side of the law his entire life and never got caught, why would he worry now that he was elected King?



bobwjr Level 10 Dec 16, 2019
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