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Oh Wow, just got told by my Evangeloon neighbor that I was " Being sinfully slothful in the eyes of God and Jesus" because I refused his request for my assistance in helping him lay the concrete for 2 steps at HIS back door when I asked why his house-mate, a much younger, healthier person was not helping him instead."
His reply was followed with the explanation that " Darren detests any kind of physical work, that's why."
The outside air temperature here atm, is 40.9 degrees Celsius, humidity at approx. 5.5% and I'm being sinfully slothful?
If that be the case then is not this Invisible,Imaginary God of the Christians also slothful in that it only ever delegates ITS work to others?

Triphid 9 Dec 16

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You could of course tell him that you should not lay concrete at that temperature, since if it cures too quickly in the heat, it will be soft and weak.

I'm sure his great friend God would have told him that already....LOL.

LOL, just heard him rant and rave that his 'new' concrete steps have already started cracking badly and will have replace them.
I'd dearly love to say " I told you so" to his face but modesty forbids me doing it.


"Darren detests any kind of physical work" Ah he means Darren is the bottom then?

I've been wondering for a few years IF they are merely house-mates or house-mating, if you get my drift.
Mind you though, it's not my problem which way they are but I'd reckon their God would have a thing or two say if they were that way inclined IF their imaginary Sky Friend was real and could actually talk that is....LOL.


I think it is time that he prayed for god to do it. I'm sure god is not slothful with the exception of the sabboth.


Let him go preach to Darren then.

I'd bet even money they both preach to each other since Darren is a Catholic and a 100% lazy one at that.


Aways funny how god always says whatever the believer wants him to say.

Convenient isn't it?

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