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This is wrong

bobwjr 10 Dec 20

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If they are from Norway they get citizenship. 😉

Until now we did too


This country is an immigrant country. I am so tired and appalled at nativists. They have learned zero from history. Periodically there have been nativist movements in the US from the Alien and Sedition Acts of the late eighteenth century to today's narrow-minded troglodytes.


Yes it is.😣


See what trump and the insane obstructionist republicans have brought upon our country pure Fascism!!!


And wrong.


It you serve, you should automatically receive your citizenship, period!

They did before now


And some people have said that the US is not an empire ?!

Service guarantees citizenship.

@1of5 only if you serve in the Space Force

@maturin1919 it used to since founding of country, immigrants served the country and in military and were guaranteed citizenship even under G W Bush

@Mofo1953 good thing we got one now then, isn't it?

@maturin1919 under Bush and other administration those who served were fast tracked to citizenship before that automatically granted it

@1of5 AND Starship Troopers the movie too!

@maturin1919 That's what empires do, they get other people to do their fighting for them, make empty promisses, and then dump them when they are finished.

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