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How many of us really know how old we are?

Unity 8 Dec 22

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Hhmm, not sure, lol. I do know this much, if you're only as old as you feel, how come I can't retire yet?


I'm one of very few people I know who has no artificial body parts, no heart problems, no digestive problems, no joint problems, etc. So, I guess I'm physically younger than 66.


Some days, 46...others 185.....


I've been told that I'm both "an old soul" and "young at heart." So, your guess is as good as mine.


All of us

lerlo Level 8 Dec 22, 2019

Well, I know I get older every damn day...🙄

I don't age. I evolve.

@Unity good point of view...


I do

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 22, 2019

Are you talking about reincarnation?

According to recent scientific theories time is only an illusion. If true, questions about age have no meaning from a cosmic perspective.

Very few people know that they are age zero, equal to age infinity.

Interesting response. I wasn't talking specifically of re-incarnation , yet somewhere on the lines the age of infinity. Considering that each of us are made of DNA that was here long before our "birth." Thanks for understanding the depth of my question!


I know how old I am, as for the rest of you, I will have to take your words for it.

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