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Gahhh. Came to hang out here a bit. IF I turn off the Eminem I have blasting at full volume, I get bombarded by dueling church bells.....hymns, carols? Idgaf....but I'm gonna have to hear them ALL NIGHT......

BookDeath 8 Dec 24

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Next time you may wish to try what we did yesterday ( since Xmas Day was yesterday here in Australia btw) with our neighbor who played that darned awful Xmas Music at FULL volume non-stop from 9.00am until we sort of intervened....LOL.
We simply put the Stereo Speakers outside the house, wound the volume up to almost maximum and played the Kevin Bloody Wilson Xmas Album, on C.D. of course, ( Kevin Bloody Wilson, a very irreverent Aussie Comedian/Musician btw) on continuous replay while we sat inside in almost blissful peace and quiet to enjoy our lunch, etc.
Funnily enough, after about the 12th replay, the silence from the very annoying Evangelistic neighbors house was almost deafening but the rest of the neighborhood were yelling out for encores.


I'm not real sure what is worse dueling church bells or blasting Eminem ...IMHO I would probably take the bells - Ha!


NPR and the local classical stations (and I suspect other stations as well) seem to have more christian music than in previous years. Is this because the religious crowd feels there really is a war on xmass and this is how they fight back?

Most classical Christmas music is religious in origin. The older it is, the more religious it tends to be.

@Deb57 True, but there are still lots of secular and this is mainly what I have heard from NPR and other stations in the past. Maybe it's just my imagination but the religious music seems to be more and more dominant.


So much for Siiiiiiiiiiiilent Niiiiiiight.....


You can use some ear plugs, probably better unless you want to ruin your hearing.

My thoughts exactly, have a few pairs in the bedside cabinet 😉


Watching dvds here. Enjoy your day off.


I'm watching The Movies on CNN.
No more christmas crap today, music or otherwise.

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