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Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy P.M. Morriscum has just granted his 'Saintly' permission for ALL self-employed and other Volunteer Fire-Fighters who are employed in Small and Medium sized Businesses to receive a MAXIMUM of 6,000 tax free dollars at a rate of $300 per day whilst they are battling the Bush-Fires in New South Wales.
Most of the Firies have been battling those fires since early October at least 24/7 so work it out by calculating the number of days and then multiplying them by 300 and see how generous and 'saintly' his much belated grant will really be and just how much respect he is showing them.
My quick and rough calculation of approx. 71 days times 300 comes to a monumental total of 21,.000+ dollars, 3+ (THREE) more than the miserable and measly $6,000 that 'Saint ScumMo' has so kindly ( ????) granted them as his 'boon.'
Such, it seems, is the 'price' ScumMo places upon the life, safety and welfare of those and their families who DON'T just 'jump ship' when things get hot and run off to Hawaii for a much needed and well -earned family holiday.

Triphid 9 Dec 28

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