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Who has noticed in the last day or so there has been a resurgence of Islam bashing.

Nothing new on the table just the same worn out rhetoric.

Or is it just my feeds!

Geoffrey51 8 Dec 31

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Same old worn out people ranting as well.


As an antitheist, I’m ok with it... as long as you include all religions, AND attack the ideologies and not individuals.


There is a little yes, but Islam is, or should be, as open to bashing as all the rest of the Abrahamic rubbish, for those who like bashing, though I am not fond of it myself. There are however two questions which have to be addressed, which are, is Islam a more threatening and intolerant religion than the others and therefore more in need of addressing in a sensible fashion. And is the bashing of Islam we see on this site motivated by closet racism or nationalism. The first being probably justified, the second being quite unacceptable. I think that judging by the tone of it, some of it is badly motivated.

But as it is usually said, without proof you have to give the benefit of the doubt, or in other words assume innocent until proved guilty. Because if you do not do that, then you abandon the moral high ground for just the sort of position that you set out to counter in the first place. No one ever said that being moral was easy, and sometimes you can only use persuasion, reason and setting a good example as your weapons, slow and weak as they are.

Well said

I think "bashing" in this case is slang for "sharp criticism due to extreme merit."
Islam is the MOST intolerant, so tolerance in response might be a "Christian" response (turn the other cheek) but NOT a proportionate response.
In other words, I see no need to act or speak rationally about a group of irrational, brainwashed maniacs who deny my right to act or speak critically AT ALL.
You will note the use of heated rhetoric, or, if you will, "bashing."
The question is, is it proportionate; is the use of angry, heated verbiage appropriate? Accurate?
I've spent a lot of time researching and trying to understand Islam, and the more I did so the more alarmed I became.
(I'm already alarmed by radical Christians, but that's another subject.)
I doubt most of the bashing done here comes from an ill-informed, prejudiced, racist, nationalistic, Trumpist point of view.
It comes instead, I think, from a verifiable realization these people are even more OUR implacable foes than anyone else's...! In their eyes Atheists and Agnostics (satanic) are much worse than Christians and Jews (misguided but god-fearing)!
So I'll just bash away if you don't mind, okay?

@Storm1752 Happy to let you bash.

All three of the Abrahamic religions have a portion of fundamentalists, who are prepared to use violence, and to find the justification for that in their holy texts. But in Judaism the violence is limited mainly to law enforcement, therefore internal, and to the territorial claims on a small part of the middle east and therefore limited. While in Christianity they are mainly metaphorical, i.e. Jesus. “I come to bring the sword.” Is almost certainly a spiritual sword rather than a metal one. So that it takes extreme interpretation to make that into an instruction for aggressive violence and conquest.

Islam alone comes with instructions for violent conquest, on a global scale if needs be, and its creator and early leaders set examples of just that. In that case, there is a clear instruction to violence in the texts, and the extreme interpretation, is required by those who wish to see it as merely a spiritual and metaphorical war. Some do, but that is a hard push against history and the real intentions of the religions creators, while the violent fundamentalists find easy justification.


I hate all Abrahamic religions equally.
Coming from the Christian 'tradition,' though, I don't FEAR Christians quite as much; Jews I FEAR the least.
But hate? I can't single out one branch for especial scorn. They are equally wrong and deserving of contempt.

I agree on Abrahanic religions; I always reply to those who fear and use the word Sharia law with, yes, I oppose ALL Abrahanic law as evil.


Islam should be bashed. It's as ridiculous a religion as any other. Religion IS the problem.


I think it's just your feeds.

That said, I don't connect to many places that are filled with that stuff.
I used to be, but fighting with those morons all the time is really bad for my health.
There are still times when I can feel my blood pressure going up, and I just have
to disengage.

I have had to become more discerning.


Seems to me there’s a lot more bashing of Christianity than Islam. There’s a pretty good reason for bashing Islam as it’s been pretty well determined that 10% of its followers worldwide hate our guts and a pretty good percentage of the others sympathize with the 10%.


Russia has been mounting a wholesale campaign to generate hate and suspicion in the Western states. Trump has shown he has major White nationalist sympathies and counts on the White Evangelicals who share this view. In Australia, White nationalism appears to be thriving, in part from Rupert Murdoch, just as with Fox in the US.

Not to say that Islam doesn't deserve most of the criticism it gets. Practically speaking, Islam is on par with White nationalism in terms of fomenting violence and terrorism.

What you're seeing may be part of the Russian campaign running up to the 2020 elections in the U.S.


I haven't seen it accept from @jacar but I mostly ignore him


I haven’t noticed.

There is a continuous bashing of “Evangelicals” here and in the media in general.

If possible I think it is better to understand and respect people rather than bash them.

I hope you are being sarcastic as the evangelical groups are building that argument to ensure their "right" to curtail the rights of others.

@Beowulfsfriend That’s what the news media would have you think. By constantly spinning their lies they keep people angry and afraid. That brings them revenue and makes them feel powerful.

If you voted for Hillary Clinton you voted for an Evangelical. Think.

@WilliamFleming Sorry but that makes no sense. How is voting for Hillary voting for an Evangelical???

@Storm1752 Hilary Clinton is a member of the United Methodist Church, which is an Evangelical Church:


Sounds like she wants to be a preacher:


It is grossly illogical to demonize one third of the country because they are evangelicals. Only a tiny fraction of people put religion before country, and guess what! Lots of them are not evangelicals but Catholics.


I can’t say I’ve noticed that but there’s increased persecution and attacks on Jews. Particularly old order conspicuous Jews. Especially in the USA

Every day last week in NYC, at least one attack on a Jewish person occurred. I got that from a person I trust and, full disclosure, haven't checked yet - thus no posting outside if right now.

@Beowulfsfriend - Sad to confirm this 😟

Nine attacks in the last week.

People suck.


Can’t say I’ve noticed...not in any of my feeds! Different groups?


Hatred, as an element of the human experience, really just comes down to differences... the germans hated the french, and the french hated the brits, 100 years ago... in america, it was the whites and blacks and mexicans.. because there were always noteworthy differences.. humans just cling to their insecurities, and hatreds formed from distrust of, and fear of, their differences from others...


I have had the misfortune of being in a USA jail. I can tell you that Islam attracts the dumbest most voilent idiots on the planet. Have fun with that.

There is certainly a problem with the "radicalisation" of Muslims in UK prisons. The terrorist who killed two and injured others in London recently had been in prson for a previous terrorist offence and he had convinced the authorities that he had been "deradicalised" so he was freed.


It is a it disturbing to read that bile. Like being atheist/agnostic is a justification for hate. So clear these folk love to hate and use ridiculous statements from a propaganda machine that is largely Christian in nature. Sad people with no real world experience. Good people exist without religion as well as with it. Bad people the same spread.

well said


I am a equal opportunity "basher"


I've not seen any extra. However, I'm just putting together a critique of Islam vs fact.


Well, now you've done it, you've poked our resident Islam Hater, Jacar......sigh

Oh dear. I don’t know why this post has resurrected. I wrote it weeks ago. Around Christmas. If another comment comes up I’ll delete it. It’s getting a bit tired now!


Picking on one religion is really dumb, Christianity has been the most misogynistic and murderous religion ever, withe notable exception of the Cathars, but the pope had them eliminated. Even peace loving buddhists are not exempt. Judism is arguably currently engaged in genocide and considers paedophilia acceptable at least in its temples. Sikhism is actually harder to criticise as it is essentially humanism.


How about a new group::: "Agnostics for islam" The religion of PIECES:::::

36,000 attackes since 911. About 500,000 killed and injured. TIME TO BUY A VOWEL!

"Pieces" in CAPS......??????? Really, really time to adjust yer meds


1300 years of being spread by the sword. Hundreds of killing every month.
36,000 attacks since 9-11!
Splain to me how opposing such evil should be regarded as bashing. That's just fucking stupid.

The question was regarding no new intellectual engagement, just the same rhetorical knee jerk responses.

Personally I don’t condone the martial Islamic dogma as with all ideologies.

I am asking where are the intelligent minds to engage at a more scholarly level.

@Geoffrey51 With most in denial of the danger, there can be no reasonable conversations.

what is happening in the EU and UK is coming our way. 80,000 somalis in MN attacking us here and Ilhan continues to get support by the woko-ratti.

Just as stupid as the misogynistic trans-mania. Not possible to have a conversation with imbeciles.

@Jacar "woko-ratti".......ooookkaaayyyyyy


Amazing how there is ANY support for ANY religion on this site. Especially for the "religion of PIECES."


Why are any of supporting the most women oppressive ideology on the planet?
In the past week: Nigeria: beheaded christians, girls kidnapped, girls sold in slave auctions.
You are being stupid attacking the messenger, and declaring your ignorance.
Best learn how this darkness is oppressing knowledge everywhere.
1300 years of darkness.


It's odd that most of the Islam bashing comes from Christians, or "Christians," so odd since they share about 85% of the same mythology.

I am an atheist and i am aware of the evil of ANY religion, especially what islamers are doing to every where they go.
Hitches, dawkins, fry, harris,...... Thousands of atheists are sounding the alarm.

The somalis in MN are now at least 1/2 illegals. And crime against white people are astounding: gangs roaming bashing people.

The crime rates go through the roof where ever ANY immigrant group is settled. HISTORICAL FACT.

@Jacar []. Not a "historical fact,"


If calling a death cult a name, it is Islam you would be correct!

A pedophile, anti feminist, animal abusing murderous, cold bloody cult by it name Islam is not bashing!

If you think Islam is a race, then you differently do not belong here!!!

They are over 60 Islamic sharia governments in which you would have no rights to even draw a picture of the so-called prophet invoking your own death sentence, these individuals worship a prophet who married a Little nine year old child, sucked little boys tongues, raped Kafir women, beheaded Kafir’s, enslaved women, was a pedophile, killed dogs as unclean and evil, sanctions pleasure marriages which is nothing more than the abuse of women so Iman’s can make money off the misery of prostitution.

There are over 12 million enslaved individuals under Islam!

Yet, any one stating the truth about Islam is bashing it!

You have not rights as a Kafir, infidel in any of those 60 sharia governed countries!

So truth is bashing, you sure sound like another obstructionist fascist religious republican!!!


I don’t recall it ceasing.

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