For all my independent women buddies here....stay just as cool as you are!
If I got a good guy, so can you. They are out there.
After the first few paragraphs I only read the bolded titles and what that was describing was just a person. I guess that's the problem, woman 1st then person instead of person 1st then woman.
Anywho, wasn't it fearlessfreep (sic, probably) you partnered up with? Always had fun with him in eclectic jams.
@SukiSue I love this. I was a strong independent woman until cancer struck 7 years ago. I have spent the last 7 years fighting back. It took time. When I entered my relationship with Dan I was weak, a shadow of my former self. I let people make decisions for me. I didn't trust my own judgement. I don't need a man to take care of me. I am no longer fragile. I am strong and living on my own for the very first time. I am choosing my own friends again and living the way I want to. No one can control me. I am my own person. I am my own person again. I have made some new male friends. Friends. I have made new female friends. I feel good about me again. Watch out!!!!