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Watching the news thinking... how the hell did we get here? How are we as a people going so far backwards?

WonderWilla 4 Jan 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I see that you posted this question a day before the Capitol Attempted Mob Coup!
I guess that day answered your question by a factor of 100%


We need to stop thinking we are better then the people who have come before us. We need to stop thinking as anything but human. No gender, no race, no age, no nationality. We need to define morality as a science, a discipline, a journey and a fight. Not a tablet of laws, not a magic bullet, not as someone else's problem. We need to have a foundation and protect it. Rather then building it and then tearing it down when things get easy and let shit fall through the cracks we made and then act surprised when shit goes bad. We need to stop equating success with money and things. Material goods should never be more important then the life of ANY human.

Quarm Level 6 Mar 4, 2020

Unpopular opinion: people have always been acting crazy, it just seems worse because of how we have to consume news today. Ad revenue is absolutely pitiful in terms of dollars per view, so we have underpaid journalists quickly churning out multiple poorly researched articles a day. You have to get people to click on articles to earn ad revenue, so we have hyperbolic titles and "hot takes" that frame things in the snarkiest and least generous way possible.


I have to laugh every time my Trump supporting relatives refer to Nanct Pelosi as 'the left'. How far right does someone have to be for Pelosi to seem liberal? Scary!!!


Easily... you have the white supremacists, you have strong neoliberals that support white nationalism, you have the evangelicals of this nation, heavy Lobby groups like AIPAC, you have the top 3% that are morbidly rich, and last but not least you have the stupid white people of America... yes there are some non-white individuals that voted for Donald Trump but ofcourse they were stupid as well.... but you just have to understand they all voted for "Cadet Bone Spurs".
And we have an electoral college that is flawed, but 43% elected this idiot and the media is just sold it.... the media just normalized his absolute abhorrent unprofessional behavior... and the stupid people of this nation just bought it.😞


It’s been a slow boil…. As power plays the long-game, most Americans are easily distracted, then fooled.. Power increases among fewer and rules are slowly but continuously changed to favor power. Good people are forced to play by the new dirty rules, or lose.

Good people are chastised for playing by the new rules … and should-be voters, expecting purity, predictably fall away. Angry people are activated by ‘focus-group tested’ single-issues ..driving them to vote for evil. Evil wins. ...Rules are further tweaked to their advantage … and the beat goes on ~

Varn Level 8 Jan 5, 2020

You sound like you've never meet people.

A not insignificant % of them just flat suck

1of5 Level 8 Jan 5, 2020

The news media plays it that way. By arousing fear and hatred they get to make money and feel important and smart.


I ask myself that question almost on a daily basis. I have read that during the last ice age the population on the earth dwindled to about 2000 people. Maybe the small gene pool is catching up with us. I have wondered if the same thing happened in the South after the Civil War. A lot of inbreeding in the South after that war.


Perhaps we are not as advanced as you had imagined.

I never had delusions that we were advanced... but at least I see the fog lifting. I see signs of intelligent life... and then I see the crowds at a Dump rally and think ... nope still idiots .

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