For the mature members out there, a question. You have a new love interest in your life. Would you tell them directly everything you like sexually since you won’t have years to figure it out like you did first time around?
why did it take you years to figure it out the first time ?
I would do this at any age (now that I know better)--with delicacy and tact. Why wait? That's like letting the deli guy make your sandwich any way he wants, and only making adjustments based upon how you react when tasting it. Why not just tell the guy you hate mustard and want extra pickles? I think most deli guys would rather give you a sandwich you're gonna really enjoy, rather than wing it and take a chance...
And if my deli guy doesn't like me telling him how to make my sandwich, I'm finding a new deli!
Oh definitely. Even then some men are clueless.
@OnaM And a few can't even do that!! They don't get invited back.
Absolutely, as a 50yr old woman I have never been so sexually aware of my needs but also his ...
If the sexual interest is there, definitely. I think sexual compatibility is something people don't talk about enough, so it becomes a source of frustration that we becomes taboo to talk about with our partners. People are often embarrassed to admit things they like and sometimes it becomes harder and harder to discuss the longer you're with someone.
Maybe have this discussion in the bedroom. Ask him what he likes? He should ask the same thing.
I have no qualms stating what i enjoy sexually &, to be honest, its a wee bit silly, not to mention frustrating, to have someone fumbling about, giving it the old college try & failing miserably at everything but pissing me off. This is my safe word, don't ever do that, these are all hard limits, i like x, y & z, if you ever ignore my safe word...I am vindictive & have skills you do not want to see.
I think some theoretical discussions comparing attitudes somewhat hypothetically, HONESTLY AND MATURELY about things intimate and sexual are better done before the fact.
It can save misunderstandings, hurt feelings from misapprehensions and wasted time in the longer run. There is no substitute for time and familiarization at any stage of life. Anything less is something less...
Yes! After giving the new partner a chance to present their best work, and only if there is need for improvement. And I'd suggest you phrase it in a way that doesn't sound like you are trying to have your new partner simply do things the way your last (or best) lover did. That can be a turn off to feel like you're auditioning for a role.
There are still new ways, personal techniques, or perhaps things you didn't think you liked, but could absolutely love with your new partner. Each new love interest should be welcomed with an open mind and then adjustments can be made over time. That's my feeling about it.
But I agree not to be silent too long about how you wish things were going, if they are not going fast enough in the direction you'd like. In otherwords, give it time, but not too much time!
It should be openly discussed between the couple... It is a natural wonderful part of the relationship & deserves close attention. Both people need to be equally fulfilled/satisfied sexually, and at my age, the sooner it gets sorted out in the relationship, the better. I mean, we all know what we prefer, what we enjoy.... having a desire to make sure your partner is happy as well is of utmost importance... Open honest communication is always best....
Yes and no.
Some exploration of each others likes and dislikes is obvious through communication during sex.
But yes if there are things I want that aren't happening? Oh yes.
And they're going to know what not to do as well.
Good communication is essential in any relationship.
Also an example. I have a friend my age who had surgery - she now has no sensation on her right side below the waist. Don't you think a partner should know that instead of wasting time? (She doesn't tell them!). So yes some things have to be communicated.
Absolutely, as a 50yr old woman I have never been so sexually aware of my needs but also his ...
In my case, most certainly I'd discuss things before we go very far at all. Straight, cis hetero "rabbit sex" is boring to me, and my taste runs more toward gender role switching, costumes, mild S&M, role playing, fantasy games, but that was only with my ex.
Being demisexual, I usually feel zero sexual attraction to anyone with whom I've not bonded for over a year, but I'd still let prospective love interests know, so they can move along and find a woman who appreciates twenty second wonders.
Of course and add what you enjoy when you aren't having sex - emotionally, music wise, food, spiritually, yeah everything.
At some point before it got too serious I would talk with them about our sexual desires and interests. Since she is the only one I will be having sex with it's important we are on the same page. I don't want to be stuck in a relationship with someone who is not sexually compatable with me.
Id tell them at the right time but it wouldn't belong.
I'd do it anyways. No point in having lousy or so-do sex when we can start with good and go from there.