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I'm new to the site, look forward to some fun, educational discussions. Nice to have it with like minded individuals. Hopefully this site grows and communication with locals gets easier. Tough raising children around such religious demographics, would enjoy making local contacts.

Secularman 4 Jan 8

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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I am sure you will enjoy it here, it is hard not to. We are from all over the world, discussing, arguing and sharing thoughts and experiences. Welcome.

Thanks and good to know, seems cool already


Hi from down South - South Africa😊

Greetings..I'm glad we have a global community here. Nice to meet you


Welcome and I hope you find some good groups to get yourself involved.
I have made several friends and actually met them in person! 🙂

Thanks, yes this seems like a cool place to converse with like minded people. Not so easy these days. I havent quite searched all the various groups but some seem fun and will join as I go, any suggestions please let me know.

@Secularman join groups of your interest. For instance, do you like cooking? Pets? Gardening? Traveling? Memes?
There are a few groups for those subjects. I learned that I can't keep up with too many groups, so I have really got myself more active with just a few.

@Zoohome cool, yes I have lots of hobbies, hiking, enjoy traveling etc. Most of my time is spent with kids, their sports and hobbies lol


This community is growing fast. So fast it has been hard for admid to keep up! But admid is working very hard all the time. I just made a "date" to meet a lady and her husband in our very small community! So just stick with it and Welcome!





Welcome to the site!!! I hope you have a fun time here. Feel free to jump into a conversation at anytime if you have some input. Have a good day!


Welcome to the site!






Howdy and welcome here.



Deb57 Level 8 Jan 8, 2020



Greetings from the Land of the Convict.

Thanks, so sorry to see what's happening there, fires and all.





Glad to welcome you to the site. I’m from rather far away...across the Atlantic in fact, in Northern Ireland. I feel sure you will enjoy being here, just join in and add your views to the mix. Browse and see if there are any groups which interest you...there are bound to be a few. In general, just have fun.

Thanks, Northern Ireland huh, must be so beautiful, my mother was from Scotland. Cant wait to take my children for a visit there.

@Secularman I am in fact Scottish...from Edinburgh, but have lived in Northern Ireland for many years. Come and visit both countries...they are indeed very beautiful.

@Marionville I loved Edinburgh, one of my favorites. My mother was from Bearsden, near Glasgow


Hi and welcome

twill Level 7 Jan 8, 2020



Welcome to the fast growing segment of the belief/nonbelief dichotomy. It is difficult to live and raise a family surrounded by what I tend to think of as zombieland religitards but there is good reason to hope for a brighter future. I'm in Canada so it isn't as big of an issue for me compared to the people living south of the border in Trumplandia but still there is hope.

True, hopefully more vote and this theocratic govt is over soon


Welcome. Enjoy your stay






Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

Ha Thanks


Welcome to our site, a nice respite from the usual religious talk and social media many of us are inundated with. I raised my kids without religion, against some fierce consequences and retribution, but they turned out to be wonderful well liked adults.

My daughter is raising her sons atheist as well, but easier now in this day and age when secularity and cultural diversity is so much more widely accepted, at least in Washington State where they live.

Thank you for reaching out, I think you did the right thing and that's exactly what I'm trying to do. Sounds like you did a great job raising your children.
Its difficult living in this religious, catholic community where children go to church, private school, or attend CCD to learn about god. I went through the process untill I walked away when I was about 30, and actually cared enough to pay attention to other opinions (was always a bit skeptic though). I need to constantly remind my children though that they're still good kids and we need to enjoy this planet while we're here and able to. I think kids need to know where they really came from, past ascestors, creatures we evolved from and why they're here today. It's a greater story and backed by evidence to fully support it. They embrace it and are just happy to know more people think like them and they're not alone. They only wish we could be reunited after death..who wouldnt right..? Well, maybe not everyone. 😬

@Secularman I for one am glad not we are not re-united with loved ones after death. I think believing that would keep us from moving on in a healthy way.

@Julie808 yeah I don't know, I'd like a reunion but for eternity? Alone, and with who else then. Doesnt matter, Our physical bodies arent going anywhere but to dust. And if that's the case, what's left to move about..a shadow of people really believe they take their bodies to strange.


Hello and welcome, enjoy the site, and if you have time do check out the groups there is something for everyone.

Thanks. Yes I plan too, still learning to navigate this site. Will take some time but eventually I'm sure I'll jump into a few groups. Anything worth recommending feel free.

@Secularman I see you describe yourself as an atheist. Beware of closet theists who call themselve agnostics 🙂

@Moravian yes, I've come full circle..and atheist and proud


Well your close enough, but I wonder if your old enough?

Do you recall the OLD Atlantic city, with boardwalks and amusement parks and no casinos?

That and the snow geese at the salt marshes are my strongest memories of NJ.

Ha no I remember ac with casinos though, even they seem to be closing lately.

@Secularman Maybe the patrons just got lost in the pines?

I grew up in NJ and remember when the casinos were voted in.

@MizJ So you recall those old boardwlks too, circa 75ish?

@Davesnothere Vaguely, we used to go to other places for our seaside vacations

@MizJ LOL, it was not a vacation spot for kids. Once maybe, but when I was there is was a drug den. People getting stoned under the boardwalks, lots of brown paper bags. Felt more like a NYC park in the 70's, but on wooden planks, with a beach and amusement rides. reminicent of ole Cony Island.

@Davesnothere My mom and I took a vacation to Seaside Heights for a long weekend about 40 years ago and I remember it being similar to what you describe, perhaps just a bit tamer. I remember eating lots of raw clams and getting stoned with strangers. My mother would have been appalled if she had any clue. hahahahahahahahahahaha

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