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Does anyone else have a homophobic family member? I have no tolerance for stupidity, ignorance or superiority. He puts the LGBTQ community into the same category as rapists, pedophiles, and other horrible groups of people in society. I have been a supporter of the LGBTQ community since I was 11 years old. It never even crossed my mind that they're bad or whatever. I did not know of his hatred until I became older.

He goes on these tangents every time I see him. He's had bad experiences with gay people in the past. But I always tell him that not every gay person is the same. He doesn't want to listen to me and I try to redirect the conversation to something else (as I learned this in some counseling classes).

It's gotten to the point where I don't even enjoy visiting him and only see him a few times a year. But I still care about him as he raised me half of my childhood when I had no one else.

vjohnson51 7 Jan 10

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I am sorry you have to live with this, I have a similar situation. I simply stay clear of what I call emotional land mines and keep a bottle of wine chilled. Every time the person in my life tries to start the controversy, I treat myself to a sip, lol.


Our neighbour is like that. He’s a throwback to the 50’s. Racist , misogynist, and homophobic. Hates native indigenous; strange thing is he’s part Indian so he claims. Calls male homosexuals ‘fudge packers’. Makes rude comments to me if I’m wearing my red plaid shirt.
He drinks beer like it’s going out of style. Doesn’t read. Only weekly flyers and crossword puzzles. Is a retired carpenter, had a head injury. Lost his licence but I think he still drives to nearest stores, and in general, bugs me.
So I know what you’re talking about.


I think it'd be easier to tell you which of my family members are not homophobic. heh 😳 Also they make those comparisons of pedos to lgtbq community as if they are synonymous. >:/ This is why I have no religious eastern european friends they are hella bigotted people.... think of that polish member of parliament that made sexist remarks a few years back. :/


My uncle was a racist homophobic klansman. Growing up I used his hate to teach me tolerance and acceptance. I never went out of my way to see him, and normally just let him rant on about how everyone was wrong but him. I learned early on that arguing with him was like teaching a pig to sing, not only was it a waste of time, but it annoyed the pig. People like that are never going to listen to logic or reason, so best to just limit contact, don't broach subjects you know you are going to disagree on and if he brings it up (most likely not) take the conversation in a different direction,


Yes. My ex and her entire family.
Bunch of bloody bigots 😥


Those type of people are afraid they see it in themselves.. So they get repulsed and become scared to bend over in front of a good looking guys. Try touchin' his ass ... To see if he jumps lol.


Face and Palm. Life is too short to put up with such idiocracy. He sounds toxic. We don't need toxic people in our lives.


Sounds like he has his mind made up. That’s a bad place to be no matter what the opinion is.


Sounds rough. Pretty much all my religious, NRA-supporting, Trumpite relatives think that way, and worse. They even attack poor white people. I insulted and argued, but got nowhere, so I gave up and just think of something else.


Not that I am aware of

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 12, 2020

Perhaps politely tell him how much it bothers you, and ask him not to say such things in your presence. It he refuses, don''t go. Just because he was kind to you, he doesn't own you are have the right to ruin your life.

It is your life and happiness, not his. Own it, and take responsibility to fix it.

I'm thinking about Seth Andrews of The Thinking Atheist who has conveyed to his family time and time again that there are boundaries he expects them to follow if they want a relationship with him.


I have an old friend who has been pretty liberal for most of his life, but having had an accident in his late 50's that's left him disabled and largely housebound, he's been pretty much groomed online by all sorts of trolls and developed a full set of racist and homophobic views. Very depressing, as nobody in his real world friends as able to be there for him all the time, or take him out to anywhere he can socialise normally, but his new online 'friends' are always there to top up the new hatreds.

JoeB Level 6 Jan 11, 2020

I know most of my family is homophobic. I recently found out that not only is my mom a homophobic but she's racist too. I'm a light skin mixed race person and I married a white woman. When I had my 1st born son she stated that my son was very beautiful and white. That cause the needle to scratch on the record. My gay cousin is gay and married a man is hated by the majority of my family. Especially my mom. I have another cousin we went on Facebook and is with a black girlfriend. She looked at the Facebook pictures great disgust.

I have always believed that love is colorblind. Happiness with sex if it's consensual is no one business.


Superiority? Hmmm


it stems from ignorance and insecurity.


I don't talk to most of my family, so I've never seen/heard any homophobia from them. I don't remember if my uncle's partner has mentioned anything specific about anyone, but I do remember him saying my family is more accepting than his family. That's on my mother's side.

On my father's side, I have an aunt who is very religious. I wouldn't be surprised if she's homophobic. I wouldn't be surprised if all of my family on my father's side are homophobic.


Oh, yeah. Many of them. Not all, but many. It’s “funny” how the more religious or conservative people are, the more racist, bigoted, or homophobic they are. Living in Texas, it’s everywhere, even family. I will still love my family, but I won’t support or invest in them when they hold and spout such horrible idea.


Lots of people seem to think that "the gay might rub off." This nonsense goes on into the religious community. It seems strengthened by the HIV threat because many do not know that sex is not the only way to become HIV. Are any of these people the same as rapists, pedophiles, and others? Not that I'm aware of. Your neighbor might be a murderer but then maybe they are not.

@DenoPenno yip the bible says don't sit in the seat of the scornful - this includes gays, blacks and mockers of the religion. I went to a church with a (white) friend when I was 15. I was the only tanned one and sat right at the back with her. My friend didn't say she was taking me to an all-white church and mostly afrikaner attendants too. The minister said preached (part of his sermon) that black people are the son's of Isaac, they have no crown on their heads, therefore they are non-believers and should be called "kaffirs*, which became the derogatory term used by whites on blacks and this shit was borne in the church. I was shocked. I knew and was aware of the apartheid era (because I lived it) but the petty apartheid such as this and others grew and were humiliating and stripped people of their dignity. I know that gay white people were ostracised by their families. I worked with a white gay guy in the 1990s, he told me his father wanted him to play rugby in the hope he could become more manly. His father told him he picked up these girly stuff at school and at one time his father prayed and tried to beat it out of him. Anyway when this colleague left home at 21, he changed his name and later on met a fellow (gay) colleague at the same company. They both left the country in 2001 and settled in New Zealand. We kept in touch from time to time. He sadly passed away in June 2018 in NZ. His partner explained he was driving on a terrible road in NZ that claimed his life. Three months before this someone else met his death on the same narrow road. ...but at least he got to live his life in peace and happiness for many years away from his family.

@TimeOutForMe I like your informative stories and I've heard some of this before. I would not have liked your country before Mandela but if I lived there then or now I would try to look you up. 🙂

@DenoPenno they say a cat has nine lives. I'm past 20😊. I could write a couple of books.


Have a look at Anthony Magnabosco utube videos. It will give you some pointers how to deal with people and make them think.


I've had bad experiences with straight people in the past -- and women, and employers, and customers and clergy and a bunch of others -- but that doesn't mean I therefore equate them with rapists and pedophiles.

This has nothing to do with gays, it has to do with his own insecurities and even quite possibly with his own unacknowledged / forbidden feelings towards men.


I have a father whom is a great dude in most every way except his obvious biases against certain races and male homosexuals. He will tell you on the one hand that he harbors no prejudice, while on the other hand cracking jokes that clearly reveal the opposite. I don't know if he even understands that he frequently (and barely covertly) demonstrates these biases - which is a maddening prospect, since he will agree with me openly that such biases are wrong-headed.

I am really not sure which is worse - the openly prejudiced person who makes no bones about his position, or the person who asserts and possibly even believes he is not prejudiced while demonstrating the opposite. Both positions are reprehensible to me, but the latter seems more insidious.

Closed minds do not understand

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