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We all have our shit.

MissKathleen 9 Jan 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Good point...if you are not happy with your life just reinvent yourself.


Good one.
My siblings insist on blaming our mother for everything.
I don't.
Problems? Yes.
Her fault? Well,...maybe her strict Catholic fundamentalism didn't help, but it was far from the whole story.
She did her best; now it's up to me.
It's hard sometimes not to scapegoat, but I find it cowardly.
Get on with it!

Mothers are to blame for everything! 🤓🤡

@MissKathleen That was a joke!, hence the clown face!

@MissKathleen I'm FINE, more or less.
Everybody's got problems. Welcome to planet Earth


Some of are just naturally shitty and we are fine with it. 😉


Therapy is a good start. I'm not kidding. Try it.

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