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I'm watching the whole "swearing in" of Roberts and the senators for the Senate trial.
Their oaths are pointless and non-binding.
All of them.

Roberts put his left hand on a bible and swore to god.
The senators also swore to god.

Since god doesn't exist, none of those oaths mean a bloody thing.
This whole thing is nothing but a dog and pony show.
Adherence to the Constitution has been shoved aside.

We are fucked.

KKGator 9 Jan 16

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To be fair, nothing in the Constitution says anything about what type of trial, just that it is a trial. You are trying to read between the lines about intent. 😛


The existence of god or not, or the truthfulness of the Bible, doesn’t necessarily affect their oaths. Those are based on what’s in their mind. They don’t intend to follow those oaths faithfully anyway. That’s what’s so scary

Precisely my point.


Does it matter whether the person taking the oath believes?

MizJ Level 8 Jan 16, 2020

Not really. I suppose it's just symbolic.
It is, however, the basis for charging people with perjury. Lying Under Oath is technically illegal.
I would imagine that swearing to do whatever one is swearing to do could be considered much the same.
It's one of those legal circle jerks.

Not if they're republicon, or pseudo-christian.

@BitFlipper That's shy I used the word believer


True that an oath to an alleged gawd is the same as confession of delusions and incompetence.....Roberts only qualification was clerking for Reynquist both "wrote" : " IN gawd WE TRUST IS MERELY A PATRIOTIC PHRASE " the alleged word "god" is NOT anywhere in the US CONSTITUTION 12 BILL of RIGHTS.... George Washington spoke " so help me gawd " after the oath of office was read aloud to him changing from General to POTUS 1789


I'm more concerned that they've already said they won't even examine evidence.

Fucking clown show, but that's what happens when you elect a ringleader.

1of5 Level 8 Jan 16, 2020

Install a clown, expect a circus.

@KKGator I'm stealing that. In all seriousness I would relax. The GOA report confirms Agent Fire Pants has committed a crime. Knowingly. He backed it up by surveilling an Ambassador (for what purpose we can't say but it certainly feels threatening). We are going to get witnesses and that's going to collapse Goldfinger's ivory Tower. He'll be gone by VD (Valentine's Day). Pun intended. Barr can't help him because the pretend AG has been implicated and sidelined. Lev showed FBI where to look and what to look for (like Barr's phone call record) and he feels credible. Verification of some of his story will verify it all. Pence might survive and become the new WH resident but he's already doing his damage anyway and can't be elected (if he becomes the nominee). Further, gOPPutin doesn't have enough time to regroup and find another nominee than Goldfinger so will be very weak. I like our chances for a change.

@rainmanjr The actual phrase is "elect a clown, expect a circus", and I cannot claim it as mine, so feel free to use it at will.
I changed the wording to "install" because I don't feel like 45 was truly "elected". He lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. He gamed the system.
He had outside assistance from multiple sources.

I called my Senators' offices this morning to remind them that they took and oath to be impartial jurors. I also let them know that I will be actively supporting their opponents if they don't uphold their oaths.
I'm already certain that I will be voting for whomever runs against them in November.


Politics is a game for spoiled adult children who have grown out of toy soldier and are not bright enough to play Halo.

Guess that let's me out.
I have never played Halo.

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