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What's the biggest benefit to dating you?

Redcupcoffee 7 Mar 28

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I will do almost anything to make my loved one happy.


I am supportive, interested in your indivduality, and want nothing from you but your love.



SamL Level 7 Mar 28, 2018

I love sex

@Redcupcoffee me three!


I have very nice feet.


I'm old and I carry a lot of cash. If I die during the date, check my pockets before calling 9-1-1. It'll make the date worthwhile.


I'm smart, sweer, loyal, and sensitive, and have a wicked sense of humor.


I consdier myself a very giving person who'll have your back, will be loyal and supporting, and I'm damn fun! I believe you are entitled to your own friends, your own hobbies, and your own space, and respect that.


I dunno, since I mostly just want a pal for hiking, ballroom dancing, political discussions, etc. and eat only health food.

But with the right person and the right amount of time spent together (over a year), I have a kinky libido stronger than that of most men, am very physcially active, fearless, love to travel, can build things, can speak five languages, am a musician, can train horses, love to do foot rubs, snuggle, can give back rubs and do fanatasy and play costume games..but the last ones are ONLY with a bonded romantic partner of over a year, however.


Nothing really..move along.


I'm house broken. In the good way.


I don't know - which is an agnostic answer? 🙂 depends on what you find beneficial..


The term 'dating' is dated; sourced in a social system already antiquated. In the question's context does it mean something like: What benefit will I get from meeting to get acquainted with you? My answer would be that 'benefit' for one person, self or other, isn't a reason worth the effort.

Getting acquainted and possible cultivating of friendship isn't a process that lends itself well to trading or benefitting in the business or game sense. If genuine, it actually is the antithesis of a business deal. It's a sharing of each others' time and attention in an environment of mutual consideration of greater sharing possibilities. This why marriage, a business/trade deal, ultimatly destroys otherwise loving, sharing bonds.

Nobody really gives another a benefit in a loving bond. Both share benefits naturally occuring as a result of growing mutual closeness, respect, admiration and trust. Bondng is intrinsically rooted. 'Benefits' derive from nature itself, not either individual.

No human contrived system of marriage or sanctioning can effect such a result via externally aproved and imposed criteria. The effects turn the process into a cheap trade; an adversarial business deal, thereby undermining healthy, bonds of trust formed by primary drives.

It's all my verbose way of saying those looking for a benefit to be gained or bestowed as prerequisite bring nothing of value to the table.


Being ever the optimist and always finding that silver lining, I think you could easily find someone with more to offer than I. Basically, I don't know if you'll find that sense of optimism from many others during these end-times.


My head is full of magic, baby, and I can share this with you.


We old dogs tend to know a lot of tricks already?


What you see is what you get. Nothing fake. Sometimes too honest and I need to keep my mouth shut. If I don't like something done to me , I will not do it to you. Loyal to a fault.


I am myself. I never put up a good front. I am honest and don't lie.


Only 2000 miles away?


Well I'm funny..Or at the very least funny lookin..So that's something.


For me I'm a very open person so I'm always willing to work with someone even if I don't feel the same way because we all have different life experiences. I'm also a very empathetic person and have no proem putting myself into someone else's shoes. Lastly I'm a very passionate person with lots of love to give.


Quiet peaceful laid back with an open mind.I am friendly easy to get along with.Am very slow to anger with a caring generous affectionate and a good ear for listening.

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