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I wonder how how many members are on like me? []
Would you use Facebook like me calling people free around the world?

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  2. No
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AirForceRN1 7 Jan 28

Enjoy being online again!

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There are so many options for cheap VOIP now as to render doing it through FB a non-starter.

That said, I echo Fernapple's position - I am not a fan of social media and killed my FB account over a decade ago. So, I'll bet my Farmville crops are well past ripe...


My daughter and daughter in law call me thru facebook often and it irritates me because a regular call has better quality

Never occurred to me to use it as a way around long distance or roaming charges


No, I would not willingly use Facebook for anything, and any attempt to communicate with me via facebook would be a waste of time, because I just ignore any messages that come through facebook. In twelve months I retire, and then I will never have to look at anything on the Zuck's evil shabby ugly empire again.


Why not use like me? .. Because I ended up using Facebook like GMail phone or Google phone for overs 6 months using it like a phone in various countries for free when my cell phone did not work in these countries?

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