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I don’t want pity. I just need to rant somewhere that my family won’t see it.

I recently quit my job to work on my mental health and to intern for free for 40+ hours a week so I can graduate. Some days I intern from 8am to almost midnight. This is the first time I haven’t had a job since I was 14 & my family has talked down to me and treated me like I am worthless and wrong for it because I can’t support myself. But I have been.. I just recently used up all of the money I had put back for bills. I only spent it on bills and to apply for the masters program at OU. My Nana was the only person in my family that ever supported me and acted like she was truly proud of me. She passed away from an overdose on January 8th. I’ve been waiting on my taxes and her insurance money to come in and then I will have no problems paying my bills and paying anyone who’s helped me back but they act like I have no plan and that I’m lazy because I’m not working on top of interning. There is no way with my schedule that I could work after 5 because I can’t guarantee I will be done interning. Working evenings and weekends would give me little to no time to work on my 15-20 paged paper and the additional homework I have weekly. They tell me they understand and agree with that but then tell me I shouldn’t be in this position. I have busted my ass at jobs that have treated me very poorly to pay out of pocket for college until I got my grant, I have gone without groceries for months at a time to do this, I’ve lost 7 members of my friends and family since I’ve started college, 2 of those people I was extremely close with, I gave up dating after my ex passed because I don’t have the strength or the time. I know it sounds like a pity party but I honestly don’t know how I’ve survived it all with my mental health being so bad and I just don’t understand why, after all of my efforts to earn their respect, they still treat me like I am nothing when most of my family didn’t even attend college. I don’t even want to do this forever. I want to move out of state and be a comedian which is the funniest joke to them because they don’t think I can do it, but I promised myself I would do this first so they would be proud of me and I truly do love the career I chose but I’ve never felt so low in my life and I just want them to treat me like I am somebody for once.

1EarthLovingGal 7 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

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You are obviously an amazing woman. I hope you'll soon be able to not care a twatt about what your family thinks of you. What you think of you is all that matters in the long run. I hope your financial issues are soon resolved and you will continue doing all the amazing things you have been doing.HUGS!!!


Chill. Breathe. Relax. You are doing what you want to do. I haven't held a "job" job for almost fifteen years now. My town has the highest unemployment rate in wester Washington (possibly the entire state.) You are not worthless or lazy.

@1EarthLovingGal Yeah it does suck getting treated like roadkill on the highway of life simply because of a lack of a job. I can't tell you how many hours of my life I wasted arguing with ignorant assholes (coughTrumperscough) trying to defend unemployment. The people that don't get it or walk out on you are not your friends. I would even argue that family members that do that aren't family. My parents/big sister/brother in law would never do that to me. They know my situation and they stick by me.

@1EarthLovingGal That means you know which people to keep and which people to cut out. It's a good personality trait to have. I'm glad that I have a good gut instinct for that. You don't need that. No one does.


You are strong and very young stick with what you want and can do, but foremost take care of yourself. Many people here have gone through similar things and learned this, don't give up have patience see what tomorrow brings


You are a very strong person... Just remember how you were treated and by who when you are a success and they come to you looking for help...

@1EarthLovingGal Just remind them when you do...


It sounds like youre interested in a career that has zero to do with college, and youre bad at setting limits about time/energy/health. Take a break from college and stop wasting your time and your parents money. Go back later if it ever makes sense.

@1EarthLovingGal not giving you the virtual hugz and pity you are seeking, isnt belittling you.

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