What ice cream flavor would you be ?
Butter pecan, fat and nuts. Bout sums it up.
Great flavor to try ?
Point me to cannabis ice cream!
I'm a vanilla type of person.
Vanilla is my secret fave. Don't tell anyone. I drove over to McDonalds today with a lust for soft-serve. I stood out in the parking lot licking drips of my wrists...people driving out honked at me and laughed. I felt like mischievous kid, but hey, vanilla truly, takes me back to my childhood. Root-beer floats and all!
@calgirlblues Your prose made ice cream sound so delicious. I always loved vanilla ice cream. Unfortunately I no longer eat ice cream as I am a vegan ....but I crave it. Thanks for the memories.
Jeezus, look at me. What could I be but vanilla? I'll bet you could guess what kind of bread I'd be, too.
But vanilla invites so many delicious toppings...you be your wild inner self!
@calgirlblues, always looking for a delicious topping.
Key Lime, because I make people pucker.
How cute.
My favorite ice cream is hand-dipped chocolate with pecans, served in a cone.