So Angry right now! Seeing all the SNAP cuts on the 80-year old friend lives on less than $825/month SS. She depends of course heavily on Food Stamps, heating assistance, and so forth. She and her husband raised a beautiful family, all with advanced college degrees, worked very hard all their lives & coped with his long-term disabling illness too (early-onset Alzheimers.) Real contributers to the strength & prosperity of this country!
I am afraid that the worry she will feel over this news (whether or not it actually effects her) is ruining her last years, her peace of mind, and may even shorten her life with the worry. This heartless piece of shit Orange Idiot Repug CRAP has to stop!!!!
And his supporters are really enjoying this kind of thing.
Even though many of them depend on those programs. Stupid is as stupid does.
It's so shameful, it's almost as if the new Christian prophet, spelled PROFIT, took “Heal the sick, feed the hungry, care for the weakest among us, and always pray in private.” and turned it into "Bilk the sick, starve the hungry, exploit the weakest among us, and always be braggadocious".