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I've been watching a lot of atheist debates, and I find then all kind of irritating. The arguments always feel the same and the debaters never seem to cover each others points.

MichaelZ 3 Mar 30

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That is because certain points mean more to each individual and each of us are coming from different backgrounds


Debate is a discusion which wanders off to abyss if not properly mananged
So when you notice is going south is time to call it a day and close the debate

Rosh Level 7 Mar 30, 2018
2 can make a decent living re-stating the obvious on the lecture circuit....atheism is so simple ((yet profound!) there really isn't much to say. Hope you aren't paying for those talks!


There's nothing 'new' about religious bullshit versus logic and reason.
That's why the arguments always sound the same.

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