I go to my local Ethical Humanist Society occasionally cause the folks there are kind, have a social consciousness, some of them do good work, yada yada yada. But the "lectures" are as boring and sanctimonious as a blabbermouth local pastor would likely be. Yes, yes, I've tried the Unitarians, et al., as well. Same deal. Perhaps the problem is with homo sapiens in groups-it seems to be a hopeless enterprise. There's always some grandiose chatterbox giving a look-at-me show, no matter where you go. Oh well, there's always Fernando Pessoa, Marcus Aurelius, and Kafka.
You might have better luck looking for entertainment on YouTube.
I'll assume that's some sort of diss, but no matter. Of course, one can listen to the greatest minds of this and past centuries on YouTube, and the guy blabbing away at your local Unitarian Church will, needless to say, be about as interesting as a a random guy you'd meet at the Motor Vehicle in comparison. Have a lovely day, secularist smarty pants person.
@freethinker62 No disrespect at all. I enjoy searching through YouTube and finding interesting entertaining videos on many topics.