Problem with poll on index page: "Did you used to regularly attend a place of worship?" If I answer "yes, not now" to that, what will you take from my answer? That I was once religious, until I saw the light, or that I regularly attended a place of worship as a child, but it was never my choice to be there because I have never believed in God?
Your past doesn't are here with us now.
I tend 2 try not 2 assume 2 much about folks, so 4 me, it just raises the question, I wonder if they were religious or if they were just along 4 the ride. Its a good opportunity 2 get 2 know someone. It offers a topic 2 discuss. But it reminds me of those quizzes on Facebook where they ask something like do u like 2 go 2 parties? And the answers will b something like yes, because I have tons of friends I want 2 see when I get there or no because I don't like crowds. What if my answer is no, but its because I'm broke, or don't like drama, or some other reason?