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I was conversing with an American Christian the other day. He came across as a nice, intelligent man. He initially said that he defends the First Amendment which protects individuals equally for their rights and freedom, but he later revealed that he is actually against homosexuality, female bishops, transitioning, that sort of things which are outside the Christian tradition. I pointed out that there is a quietly but steadily growing movement by the Cristian right to promote anti-transgender legislation in the US and turning the country into a Christian nation by introducing pro-Christian legislation, and when I asked if he would object to such a movement because it would violate the First Amendment, not to mention violating the Christian principle that we are all equal in the eyes of God (his god), he couldn't bring himself to say yes. Christians like him are paranoid that Muslims are taking over the world, yet they seem to approve of Christians taking over the world. I also often get the impression from them that Christian values are somehow superior to other religious values or secular values. There seems to be so much contradiction in the Christian attitude. Do you share the same view?

Jetty 7 Feb 28

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I think most people like the idea of expression of freedom until the expression of other people gets on their nerves. I live with a guy with tourettes. He has the freedom to express himself and make his repetitive noises. The problem is it gets on peoples nerves, a lot. Ideally, he should be able to go into public places like restaurants and grocery stores and and do his thing but in reality it's just not a good idea. I don't think ideals conflicting with reality is just a Christian or fundamentalist thing, I think it's pretty common.


All people are created equal. Just some people are more equal than others. (who said this?)

The Oximoronists?


I'm pretty sure Christians are pro-free will so long as you choose correctly.


Your observation is the norm. To them, Christianity is the only worthwhile worldview. And, yes, contradictions abound, that's also the norm. The rise, and continued acceptance and even devotion to trump, is evidence of their paranoia. And gullibility.


It's not so much that they want theocratic government, though there will always be some who do, but they take the view that Christian viewpoints should be accepted and legislated by secular democratic governments because they are 'best for society.' Because mainstream culture is no longer Christian, what is 'best' is now hotly contested. Add to that the fear of Islam and you have attitudes like this person.


Yes typical. And it is precisely the people who believe that Sharia law could be enacted in the US who are pushing their own version of Christian sharia law.

Exactly. But it’s not the same because: Jesus. 🙄


I was that Christian as a child and young man. They have many positions that contradict themselves and they fo not realize it. They rationalize the difficulties very well however without realizing that they are different pisitions on the same thing.


Yes yes a million times yes!

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