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Union of Concerned Scientist dire warning on Pence’s appointment to ‘czar’ on the Corona Virus outbreak. []
”It’s hard to keep track of the number of Trump appointees who should know basic facts about the coronavirus but don’t. Then yesterday, we learned that the actual public health experts in government would no longer be allowed to speak publicly about the outbreak without the vice president’s blessing.” and ”Later yesterday afternoon, the Washington Post reported that government health officials were sent to take in evacuees without proper training or protective gear. An employee who raised concerns has filed a whistle blower complaint after facing retaliation.” This administration is heading us toward a global disaster.

JackPedigo 9 Feb 29

Enjoy being online again!

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It's a dangerous move and will be disastrous


The gag order through Pence is DESIGNED to suppress all negative news. (Negative about this Administration, that is...). It has nothing to do with Pences’ knowledge of science (of which he has none.)

Sort of like all the non-press conferences they hold now...

The whole idea of this Administration is to suppress anything they consider negative...

Not my President.
Not my Administration.


The gag order is VERY troubling can we protect ourselves & loved ones without truthful info?


And yet the repubs in Congress do nothing to stop this bullshit.


Yes, but they've been heading toward global disaster since Shitler took office.


So what are we going to do about it? I plan to call my reps Monday morning. Got any better ideas?

Are your reps demos or repubs? If they talk with a muffled voice you know they are wearing a mask. lol

@JackPedigo Have you seen the latest news outta WA State? I just posted in the trump pinata group.

To answer your query, my 2 senators are dems and my congresswoman was just recently elected. The first time since this district was created it went to the dems. The gop over here are really pissed and continue to talk about forming a new state with Oregon or maybe joining Idaho.

@silverotter11 I am well aware of the state the Repubs. have found themselves in but wasn't sure about your area. So what will you do if 'Liberty' breaks away and become another state (won't happen). I saw your post of moving every 20 years and see you are 2 years overdo. lol Will check out your post.

My reps are all repubs and don't give a shit either. Almost worthless for me to call. Their staff's usually just cut me off.

@Redheadedgammy Damn!! That would really piss me off if they will not even listen to a reasonable comment from a constituent 😟. I'd still call as some point they do track what it going on, if only to stop it by whatever means possible.

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