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So they're about done in S. Carolina.. Do you think Joe will get the win he so badly needs there?

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Captain_Feelgood 8 Feb 29

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You're voting for trump, why do care?

Just making civil conversation with people, not pointing fingers or calling anyone names.. You got an issue with that?


Joe Biden won!!! Also, moments after Biden's speech, Tom Steyer's speech dropped out of the campaign race. Only time will tell between now and super Tuesday how many more will drop out.



bobwjr Level 10 Feb 29, 2020

He is predicted to win. Who is second?

Bernie Sanders is second


At 7:22 PM EST USA they just predicted Biden's win.


My prediction is that Joe will win but not by a large enough margin to do his campaign much good. He hasn't campaigned in any of the super tuesday states in a month and he has no money to advertise. It goes without saying that he does not have an energized grassroots support network on the ground so the guy doesn't have a chance regardless of what happens tonight in SC.


Needs a third option... don't care.

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