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Decided to join because I'd like to meet like-minded people. Whether it's relationships or friendships it seems like they've mostly ended once the topic of god arises. Funny enough, I'm not the one who brings it up. So, I thought meeting ppl who think as I do or are open minded enough not to dismiss someone simply because they don't believe, would be a nice change of pace.

MJ1379 4 Mar 1

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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I don't think everyone in here is open minded..we all have our personal biases... but we are all in here of not believing in god. Welcome!


Welcome aboard. I really hope you will enjoy it here. We have a wonderful community here.

You have nothing to fear from me but this platform is infested by socialists. Be careful. 🙂

Really? you're politicizing a simple welcome post? GOP troll.

Ok, Don't listen to me. I have only been trying to save you from the suicidal euphoria. For some, as they say... words are enough but.... Well. Lets talk in December. I will be right here.

showing your bias right away eh?


Just to remind you that:

  1. All the euphoria and mania about Bernie was not needed,
  2. The agony, wastage of money, sloganeering, false dreams, misleading of American voters was not needed
  3. Communism and socialism has no place in America
  4. The candidate was the worst choice you could make to spread your message
  5. Next time find someone who is not 78 years old, did not have a heart attack, not a hunchback, knows how to comb hair before going on a national TV,
  6. Don't ask money from people for a lousy cause
  7. Start your own party. Hijacking an established, historical big party platform will not be tolerated by American voters

What we have here is.... I don't mince words or sugarcoat the truth and therefore you don't like it.

I admit. I am biased towards the reality. I can't help it. I am not a dreamer.

I was very happy to know that Biden kicked Bernie's ass with a lot less spending, less groundwork, Bernie will not be nominated and I will not have to go to Canada. Biden punctured Bernie's balloon overnight.


Welcome. I try to be open about my atheism. It seems like someone is always praying for me though. I think i'm the one who always says goodbye for religion.


Good to have you here.


Welcome, MJ1379. I hope you find here what you're looking for. 🙂


Fyi... religion is just one topic. This site has shown me that peoples biases create many areas for disagreement.

As far as relationships; I wish you the best of luck. The avg age of the typical f poster here seems to be 50+. So if thats your speed you have reached paradise.

SCal Level 7 Mar 1, 2020

Welcome! There are plenty of opinions, groups, etc in here just like out in the real world. Hope you find us an enjoyable crowd.


Hello, and welcome to Agnostics! We come in all varieties, opinions (even on the spectrum or degree of disbelief in god), genders, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and nationalities! We have a range of views on all kinds of subjects, and have a plethora of differing interests which are reflected in the large number of interest and hobby groups here on the site. We are not all here to find a new romantic relationship, but there are some who do so, and have been successful, but for the rest of us it’s a great place to exchange ideas and chat, getting an insight into what makes other people from a wide range of locations in the world think on issues, both serious and frivolous. My conclusion is that our similarities are many and our differences few, the world is not so big after all when connected to other open minded, freethinking people. I find it great fun and trust that you will too.


Welcome to the slaughter house...we have cookies and an open bar.

There's cookies? Where are the cookies 🤣🤣🤣

@Heidi68 follow the crowd...LOL

@phoenixone1 darn it, I am not a good follower

@Heidi68 after reading your Bio you not being a follower is self like to find your own way...fiercely independent...great quality...get your own damn cookies or ply me with drink and I will snatch the next batch that comes out of the oven.... 😉

Cookies? I was told there was cake. I am starting to think that was also a lie.

@GeorgeRocheleau that was a troll that told you cake...fake news... 🙂

@phoenixone1 do you drink water or milk? Only things I have in the house 😁🤣

@Heidi68 we can start with the milk for the omelette and I can bring wine if you have glasses(other than reading or driving and driving is DEFINITLY out after wine) you have any Boursin Cheese and Triscuits or Brie?...I have White or Red...need a loaf of bread too... 😉

@phoenixone1 will pepper jack cheese work? Might have some triscuits 😀

@Heidi68 ding ding...we have a let's hope I don't forget the corkscrew...although I did see something on You Tube for Dummies like me...haha...not really...I keep one in the Daypack... 😉


Welcome. This is also a good place for differing minds. At least, like or differing, they are more often than not self-formulated to a higher degree than groups centered around common/like belief systems 'off the shelf'.


Welcome aboard.


You'll find for a secular site, we talk about religion quite alot, but not god per se. 🙂
Enjoy romping through the groups, there's something for everybody.

ad nausium


Welcome to Agnostic!


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.


Welcome to the club, Buddy. I'm a conservative agnostic/atheist, which puts me in a REALLY small group. You'll find that there are some people here who tend to share your opinions, no matter what they are.


In reality no one thinks as you do. No one thinks as I do. We like to believe that others do, but they only share some of our thoughts and opinions. Let me switch to that religion you do not like discussing. Imagine a scene inside a church where the minister proclaims that everyone is of "like mind" over some of his sermon and statements. It's false. Everyone inside that building is not of like mind. If you get lucky enough you might have friends there that are closest to your own thoughts. Being a member of Agnostic is similar to that too.



Best of luck! It seems to me that 40/50 years ago this was not the case. It just seems the majority of people have gone ‘bat shit’ crazy religious! (I know this just seems so.) I have never cared to dwell on our religion even when I was part of one! I Like to discuss it, if in a class or lecture, but not so much in my personal life. I hope people have other interest other than their religion. I always thought religion was meant to help in becoming a better person, not a constant chatter about it! I think your best bet would be in meeting lots of people!




Welcome to the asylum. 🙂


Welcome to the community!!!!!


Howdy and welcome here.


Welcome home!


We need to develop an atheist secret handshake, don't we? WELCOME....there are intelligent and FUNNY people here and we're always glad for new members. Check out the groups...that'll take you awhile! Remember to ''like'' the posts you read and post items you like. See you....

You don't want to shake my hand its covered with baby greese!

@DavidLaDeau Are you a cannibal, then?


You mean you'd like to be in a group that doesn't see daily problem-solving as a personal challenge. Welcome!


Ahoy matey! Shiver my timbers! Arrrrgh, another flagon of ale fer da boys.

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