A Catholic apologist attempted to defend the story of the Exodus... And failed.
I think it's comical how we're supposed to take seriously what some guy with a PhD and various academic credentials says as if the arguments he's making aren't desperate and ridiculous.
You can be educated and still be deluded and wrong.
Educated? Seriously? Seminaries are institutions of nonsense and theology is the study of nothing. To be ordained is a ceremony of the absurd and degrees like a master or doctor of divinity are of less value than the paper on which such are printed.
@p-nullifidian You make a valid point. I stand corrected. He's not educated, deluded and wrong, he's just deluded and wrong with a bullshit degree.
@Sgt_Spanky Not meant as a correction ... peace.
He is one of the unauthorized "experts" that the Catholic church doesn't recognise.
Why would any sane person want Catholic answers or even Protestant answers when evidence-based answers are available?
They come right out and say knowledge is bad.
@Remowill Which is hilarious in itself: the knowledge that knowledge is bad is itself knowledge - which is itself bad, and so we have an infinite regress of badness!
test everything, and keep what is good
iow i agree