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If Joe Biden is the democratic nominee, what will you do on November 3rd?

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RoboGraham 8 Mar 4

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I think we have a few major hurdles before we can even guess what the election will look like on Nov 3. 1- will Biden be able to keep his cool regarding his possible dementia, as he starts getting more airtime 2- will there be issues regarding the popular vote vs the delegate count at the dem convention, especially if the superdelegates clearly decide for against any candidate who otherwise has percieved legitimacy 3- will the SCOTUS rule in favor of EC voters who "disobey" their states. All ways that uncertainty in the process could change the minds of people voting in Nov.


Cast the vote most likely to beat the GOP. If that ends up being Biden, that's where my vote will go. Not my top choice, but we have GOT to start reversing damage done since 2016!

Zster Level 8 Mar 5, 2020

I'd vote against trump...


I'll vote against Trump. GLADLY

1of5 Level 8 Mar 5, 2020

Same here.


Vote for the democrats


A vote for anybody but the Democratic nominee will elect Trump.

I'm sorry but if Biden is the nominee, Trump has already won.

@RoboGraham I refuse to do anything but everything I can to keep that from happening.


That is admirable.

Agree, but did we learn anything in '16? It's already looking like we possibly have not...


I’ll vote third party if I find a candidate I like. I voted for Stein in 2016. I won’t vote for a candidate that doesn’t represent me.

skado Level 9 Mar 4, 2020

Does trump represent you?

Not in the least.

@skado that's what I thought. So why waste your vote on a third-party instead of voting for Biden to help get trump out? Imo third party or wtite in votes are wasted votes..

It’s not easy to explain in the limited time and space here, but... while I used to think lesser-evil voting was the best we can do given the circumstances, I no longer believe that. At one time I thought it couldn’t get worse than George Jr. and then it did. Now I realize it can get worse than Trump if we keep allowing ourselves to be frightened into voting against our own interests.

We have to learn to play the long game. As long as we can be frightened into voting for someone who doesn’t represent us, in order to avoid the scary monster du jour, we can be leveraged, inch by inch, into supporting the corporate agenda. They scare us with Trump and we gladly gulp down the poison they wanted us to take all along. We win the battle and lose the war.

Winning this war takes courage, resolve, and sacrifice. If the DNC wants my support they’re going to have to run a candidate who represents my interests. When they get tired of losing, maybe they’ll cave to the will of the people. As long as we accept second best, that’s what they’ll give us. If they don’t cave, it’s time for a third party anyway.

Voting for lesser evil is still voting for evil, and each cycle the evil gets a little worse. I’m done voting against myself. Chips fall where chips fall.

When we have voted for the creep in office, we have sold our complaining rights, and we console ourselves that at least he isn’t the scary one. All the while he’s doing nothing to stop the slide toward corporate oligarchy. When the next Republican gets in, it’s full steam ahead.

I’ve seen enough.
I’m not voting for what I don’t want anymore.


Couldn't agree more.

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