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What's the difference between the Coronavirus and the Flu? I picked up a brochure at a city bus stop about the Coronavirus. It has the same symptoms as the Flu from what I've read on it??? Any insight would be much appreicated. Thanks!

VeronicaAnn 7 Mar 12

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No partial immunity/resistance, as most of us have to flu, either from shots or having it.....Google Spanish Flu 1918 to see how bad a "new" bug can get.


Much more dangerous than the flu, people claiming it is just a new flu are in denial. It's likely going to kill millions before it runs its course, the best we can do is slow it's spread so medical facilities aren't overwhelmed.

@VeronikaAnnJ Exactly, many of the things we are doing should be part of regular life. In the US at least we have been so obsessed with military spending to "protect" America that we have lost sight of far more realistic threats and aren't prepared to meet them.

@Druvius Including supply chains for essentials, like pharmaceuticals.

@bingst Yeah, the economic disruption is going to be bad.


The main difference is with the lungs being attacked more than the flu

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 12, 2020

It is a different virus from the ‘flu virus although there are similarities in the symptoms. This is completely new and there are no vaccines as yet ready to use on the public as a prevention, unlike the ‘flu, although there are several countries which are developing a vaccine, it may be the end of this year before they are safe to use on humans. Because there are no members of the public who are protected from this new virus because it’s new, therefore nobody has built up an immunity to it and it is spreading much quicker in the population than the ‘flu.

Just what I was going to write.

Finding a vaccine for this virus might be easier than finding one against the super virulent tRump virus.

@VeronikaAnnJ I live in the U.K...I trust our Chief Medical Officer and the government Science Advisors, and follow the official advice they are giving us. It is real...unfortunately, and no conspiracy theory.

@VeronikaAnnJ Not really possible to say, models are at this stage bound to be speculation, since as it is new, no one knows what it will do. It could just fade after a small early peak, and be nothing much, it could be a massive epidemic, or it could linger in the population after an early peak, occasionally breaking out here and there for a long time, like Aids or Ebola. The models used by the scientists are not much more than best guesses based on what epidemics are expected to do.

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