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A couple days ago Facebook revealed someone’s identity from this place to me. The member here had posted a meme from here onto a Facebook group to check it’s validity and said they’d found it on agnostic dot com. Someone shared their post to a FB group I’m in with the original text from the OP intact and the link to their profile page still working. I thought “hmmm, wonder if I can figure out…” and had figured out who it was before their profile page had even loaded.

I sent them a message (on this site) letting them know FB had allowed me to ID them to a deeper extent than the info they reveal here does.

Would you let someone from here know if you found out who they really were from another social media site?

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1of5 8 Mar 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Many people like to maintain the illusion of privacy, especially when having more than one online persona- and if the two should cross over, it could hurt. As far as respect and social responsibility go, it's a good idea to let people know. They should be aware when a breach is found, and they can decide if they care or not.

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