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Now I'm by no means a Conspiracy Theorist nor do hold with the concepts of coincidences BUT given the expansive pushes that we have all seen coming from a certain Asian country over the past years or so plus their somewhat disregard ( for want of a better term) for Human Rights, etc, of its own peoples, etc.
Does it not seem strange that this CoVid19 virus arose fairly precisely to coincide with the Chinese Lunar New Year Celebrations and also in ONE single province of such a large Nation so suddenly and swiftly?
Perhaps I am being a little 'suspicious' here, or whatever one may wish to call it, BUT, Germ Based Warfare is far less damaging natural resources-wise and lasting than all out armed conflict is and crippling other economies leaves those countries virtually at the tender mercies of who so ever rise from the 'disaster' the fastest does it not?
What are the thoughts of others on this matter?

Triphid 9 Mar 19

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Get a grip on that imagination or it will run away with any common sense you may have left!

Think about it BEFORE you jump to conclusions, it would NOT be that difficult to genetically manipulate the SARS virus, which CoVid 19 is very closely to btw.
And as the infection rate climbs elsewhere the rate appears to dropping in China even though China has a mucg greater population crammed into its land area country.

@Triphid Anything, even the unlikeliest, is actually possible of course, but without a shred of actual evidence it is just like believing in god or the tooth fairy. I am not the one who is jumping to conclusions here, you are the one doing that. Conspiracy theories abound, we’ve just had the BBC science editor appear on a news programme here in the UK this morning debunking around a dozen false claims which are circulating on social media. It really is quite dangerous to allow this sort of thinking to get into one’s psyche, and I really didn’t think I’d read it here on this site where I assumed that we were more rational and worked on fact and evidence, not wild speculation. Let us just allow the scientists and medical experts do their jobs and follow the advice they give us. Unlike you, I do not buy into the idea that this virus is something that has been deliberately manufactured for some sinister and political reason by China or anyone else. There is much we don’t understand about this outbreak, but I am certain that we will eventually, when all the evidence is collated and analysed, in the meantime it serves nobody’s purpose to speculate wildly as you are doing.

@Marionville I'm not being a Conspiracy Theorist, I'm merely offering up a suggestion based on the probabilities, etc, to hand.
Chinese Money Interests have been buying up BIG TIME throughout Australia and elsewhere in the Pacific region for years so what better way to destabilise the economies of Western Countries then move in after the 'dust has cleared', so to speak, and buy up the defunct businesses, etc, left behind, etc?

@Triphid Time alone will tell if your “Yellow Peril” theory is right or not!

@Marionville Well, after the bush fires a few years back, they bought out 3 of the 5 biggest Cattle Grazing and Breeding Properties in Northern Australia ( guess where all the beef goes from them now, they also bought out the biggest Dairy Farm complex in Tasmania plus they own a 49% Stake in the Cotton and Rice Growing region north of Bourke, New South Wales, that has been responsible for LITERALLY sucking the Darling River dry for decades now.
3 guesses where the Cotton and Rice produced goes.

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