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walker92103 4 Mar 19

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How about Libertarian? Not that I have anything against voluntaryism or anarchism.

My avatar may be described as an early Libertarian: "Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." But I don't necessarily agree.

A live-and-let-live, 'hands off my freedoms' attitude sounds great, until you have to deal with a collective problem. For example, I once had a Libertarian neighbor who insisted on burning his fireplace during 'spare the air' alerts (no burning) declared by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. He insisted that no governmental body was going to tell him what he could or couldn't do on his property. When I asked him what would happen to all the people with asthma or other respiratory problems if everyone did as he was doing, he just shrugged and said, 'not by problem, bro.'

In a time of pandemics and climate change, a strong Libertarian orientation can produce a total non-team player with a 'live-and-let-die' attitude.

@p-nullifidian The one fundamental rule in Libertarianism is do not do anything to impede on others. Your neighbor sounded like an inconsiderate jerk, and not a true Libertarian. Anarchist may be another term to describe such behavior, and I don't subscribe to that system (if I dare call it such). Collectivism never appealed to me much. Cooperation among everyone is key, but I do understand your concern though.

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