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How has COVID-19 affected your dating and social life? In the world of cyber on-line dating, were we ready to take all of our romantic and non-romantic relationships online?

I was just coming out of my shell and going out dancing, to movies, and getting invited to social activities. Now, new and old friends are back to texting, social media, and video chat. Without the going out dancing, I'm getting celluite. I have to dance along to videos. Maybe 'll pick up some new moves.

As far as dating goes, my relationship was already mostly texting. I never thought doomsday survivor pro and expert gunmanship would be on my list of dating material, but apparently I've lucked out.

On the plus side, we realized that you can use the ebay labels from your store and put your packages in the mailbox without having to go to the post office.

UrsiMajor 8 Mar 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Perfect time to converse online & get to know them better, so you will actually know why you blocked them......


I could sure benefit from free premium pornhub...

Or perhaps I should change my dating site profile to:

SW healthy male seeking SHF to move in within 24 hrs.

long walks to the fridge.
Netflixs nights... and mornings and... afternoons...but also the Price is Right and maybe some Bob Ross...
Wrapping myself in toilet paper.
Intimate handwashing with meaningful eye contact.

DM if interested. 😛


Now that's funny!

I like the Viking! 🤣🤣🤣

I am that goddess and I also don’t like domestic violence. WTF Thanks for the laugh 😂

These guys have a plethora of problems, I would not date any of them if I were interested or a woman.


My new pick up line standing 10’ away is” hey good looking , what’s your temperature ? “

How about, “If the corona virus doesn’t take you out, I’d love to.” Swoon.

I've been using: I have TP and some extra food back at my place.

@Tinocca can’t wait to use this one !


Ha! I’ve been on two dates with the same woman in the past seven years! So, it has not affected me at all.

Did you both remember it? LOL@!Q

@PondartIncbendog ha! One was a movie, the other a Chinese dance group. Even in my mental decline, not too difficult to remember.


Today is
'Send your robot to work day'
Maybe tomorrow we'll be sending our avatars to orgies!

I've got the song "do you wanna date my avatar" in my head now. Thanks.


Yeah, this was going to be my year. I turn 40 in July and was planning a nice get together. Hopefully I still can by that time. Finally got up the nerve to venture outside my norm and start dating. Overall I’m not really bummed because social distancing is my norm. Oh well, hello internet!


I have no dating life, so it cannot be affected.


My dating life is dead because I'm sheltering in place. crickets



I was planning a nice trip in the RV, a big loop through upper New England into Canada......paid big bucks to get new tires, etc etc I guess I could turn it into The Worlds' Largest Geranium Planter?

Sounds like a survival bugout house to me. Maybe you'll be able to relocate to somewhere in the remote wildnerness if this flu mutates to the point where it can kill us all. I was feeling guilty about some of my bulkfood purchases. Not anymore.

Come to Iowa in that RV and we can hunt morel mushrooms next month and I will share my boiled artichoke kissing plans with your favorite fondue

@Larry68Feminist I actually took a class on mushroom foraging once upon a time! If we all live, sounds great!

@Larry68Feminist fondue with Gruyere, right?

@AnneWimsey your favorite cheese so be it warmed over your favorite candles ... the kissing and leaves dipping is my specialty

@AnneWimsey better drive now before some Governor between there and here closes the roads

Best mushroom territory starts now down south along riverways ....and moves north with warmer weather...the last of the morels will have been eaten by some mammal in Northern Minnesota in June

@Larry68Feminist yes, I would worry about getting food & gas on the way, unless I stuck to interstates...maybe not even then, and for sure, BIG $$$$

@AnneWimsey gas is everywhere business hours don't worry about running out if you always refuel at half full and rest 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. when some stops close ...tollways are price gougers for gas so use the main roads parallel to the tollways....there are stop lights but nice places to see, stop, eat and historical markers to read....enjoy 3 days of driving instead of tiresome hypnotic road bouncing on I-90 or I-88 and 2 days of tense steering wheel gripping you will save 20 cents per gallon on state roads in competition with other locals....tollway gas is a monopoly

deWine is a criminal theocrat right now he is trying to close abortion clinics as "NON-ESSENTIAL" businesses for his tampon terrorists zealots for zygotes religious voters agenda in Ohio ....

@Larry68Feminist my favorite travel accessory was (is?) an old GPS that gets me "lost" now & then...the best meals, the best views, best gas prices, just great stuff!

@AnneWimsey my smartphone has google maps that won't get you lost and if you click bicycle it will show back roads that connect to bike trails....when you get to your first bike trail, reset Google mapping to the car setting and reset again where it leads to back to tollways....tollways are usually green Interstate red back roads black bike trails grey


First time in years on Sunday my wife hasn’t persuaded me to take her some place I did not care to go .


Believe it or not, my messaging traffic has increased.

I exchanged messages with 3 women last week. Apparently, now that there's no possibility of meeting, women seem to be chatty.


I'm a basic homebody and close to being a hermit. It's hard for me to say Covid-19 has caused me any changes except in food buying with bare shelves everywhere and avoiding others because I know they do not have any toilet paper. A friend asked me how much toilet paper I have? About as much as I normally have.

No panic here except over our pandemic of stupidity. It looks like I am going to be forced to to do special one hour Walmart shopping just for seniors in order to get food that I normally buy. American ignorance is amazing!


Nothing has changed. I stay in my apartment pretty much all day after work and during the weekend.

Sounds disease-free to me.


As I gave up dating and I'm quite anti-social, I'm quite alright with the situation. As I'm starting to work from home soon, even better for me. I interact with my friends via WhatsApp and other people through Facebook and here. I admit some sex would taste great but, as life doesn't give you everything you want anyway, I don't make a big deal out of it.

Right on!


What life, non existent

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 22, 2020

Same here, that's, a bout the truth of it!


Not much effect. No one wants to date me and due to work and studies I don't have much free time for a social life.


My solitary existence has become more solitary. Wish I could find some meaningful relationship or friends online.


certainly isn't conducive to getting laid now is it all meetings would be tense and worrisome


My go-to excuse for not returning calls or emails has always been "sorry, things have been a bit hectic recently". That no longer flies.


I didn't have much of a dating life, but with the closing of the fencing club and the gym I attended, my fitness is at risk.

I was going to get a year subscription to a yoga club this spring. Not so much anymore. I guess there is YouTube.


I haven't been on a date in quite a while, and I'm an introverted homebody by nature, so this "social distancing" has pretty much been business as usual for me.

"business as usual" 😂


Sadly, it’s done nothing to improve my dating or social life:/


I can’t see my partner for 3 weeks as we don’t live together. Unless it’s via a video call 😂 interesting times.

Same, my boyfriend can’t come over until the 6th of April when Ohio’s Governor lifts this “Shelter in place” order. Texting and sexting, it is then.


I work at a doctors office. My girlfriend can't work as her office is closed. I told my girlfriend not her not to come over this weekend as some of her immeidiate family may be at risk on my account. She came over to stay the weekend (which I am greatful for). Oddly I told her after this weekend not to come back for a while. We will see how that goes, I have never told a woman I loved to stay the hell away!


It hasn't impacted my social life or dating. I know I am unlovable. I know people tend to see me and go the other way. The only people who engage me are those that are forced to by circumstance. Like can you move I want to use the printer. This world cannot end soon enough for me.

Whoa , there buddy. It can't be that bad! We need some comic relief here...


@UrsiMajor the closer I get to age 81 without love is my epitaph.... being 6'5" giant seems to scare away most Atheist women and only the xians seduce me for geebush jeehobah ghostholes....those are my laugh lines bud parallel in loneliness to @EastBayMike March 22 was my 68th birth anniversary only my cats comfort me in sequestered senior living no candles no cake no songs no wine no gifts no kiss ....I am a lifelong lover still ready Freddy to be happy in wedded bliss and will live the same 88 years as single women live..... statistically true before the current pestilence fucked us all away from shuttered romantic bistros globally....who gets a kiss from the McDonalds drive through girl ?

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