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Some clarification for those who might be confused. The virus is more contagious than previously thought. Transmission is aggresive.
Now the vast majority may not ever show symptoms (asymtomatic), yet you will be walking incubators for the virus. Those that get sick will get well with few lasting side effects.

But being so transmisively aggresive there will be 40-80% of the population walking around as virus incubators. So if few die, if recovery is likely in most cases, and many will never even show symptoms, why are we so worried and why are we taking such draconian actions?

First, are any of you out there older than 60 years old? Do any of you know anybody with a respiratory or heart condition? Do any of you know someone with other serious underlying health issues? These are the people who are in danger from the virus. If 80%of the population are exposed and are walking around as incubators, its almost guaranteed that the groups above will be affected and quite possibly die in large numbers. We stand a chance of losing a large part of our elderly population. This means mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts & uncles. Many of our countries best minds are in this group.

t1nick 8 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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You left out the part where, if you get Anything wrong with you (chest pains, trauma, an infection, etc etc etc) and the hospital is full, which can easily happen (see, Italy) you will not be able to get help & could die from a broken ankle (gangrene, anyone?)

So true, so true. Regular treatment has stopped due to no availability of beds and equipment in places like NY.


Curious what are the "few lasting side effects" after one recovers?

From what I can ascertain none beyond what the residuals of having the flu gives you.


Because we will kill off people who are especially susceptible to it

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 23, 2020

Is the country willing to sacrifice our generation?

@t1nick the same one at spring, social distancing works along with hand washing and common sense


More and more younger people are being infected, including kids and babies... All the current information about this virus is incomplete...

The virus from all data worldwide still points to my generation as the most vulnerable. Having said that you need to make sure to protect yourself and baby J since you are close to the hot dpot.

@t1nick yes, all the current data... So far...

@t1nick I'm very protective..

383,000 cases so far reported, with 16 000 deaths and 102,000 recovered is beginning to make for a significant sample.

I saw stats from several sources saying Men die more, and people 30-50 are getting it faster than any group.


It seems in Italy, men are dying in greater degrees than women, and they did in Wuhan as well. In both cases it has been hypothesized that the reason for this dichotomy is that in both locations, men smoke considerably more than women in their culture. So they are more likely to have compromised lungs.

@t1nick or maybe they wash their hands less....

I'm sure about the stats for the 30-50 group. I'll keep lookong.


Its possible something that simple could make for such a big difference. I would hate to think that they are killing themselves due to machismo (washing your hands is for sissies according to one US preacher last week).

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