Here are 7 of the most ridiculous moments from Trump's Fox News Town Hall today. Unfu-king believable!!!!!
I tried to watch this but after ten minutes the Fox News Host was so far up Trump's arse his voice was echoing.
It was disgustingly sycophantic.
A new low for him!
He would probably only get lower he had no prior experience with U.N affairs before becoming president he is absolutely ignorant and needs to be removed from office right quick before he starts WW3
@AJimboShep82 He will refuse to call it WW3. The previous two will be downgraded to skirmishes because he is the best. Number one. Great..
It will be a beautiful war. Beautiful...
I even turn the sound off when he shows up on the news, I could get better information from my dog. The liar in chief has no credibility to me.
@Barnie2years Jeez, that much?