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Today I found Jesus/ It was an amazing, downright profound moment for me in my life.

There he was, right in front of me. He had been under the couch all this time. My action figure collection is complete again.

Robotbuilder 7 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Carrying all those people on the beach is great for the glutes.

Ludo Level 7 Apr 2, 2018

Holy Savior, Batman!!


This! I must have this.


I don't see a belt buckle.....does Jesus fasten his belt with velcro?

He plays a guitar for his group called "The Disciples." So, naturally enough, he puts his belt buckle to the side, so it doesn't scratch his guitar.

@Robotbuilder That makes sense. Electric guitar?

It's a Bible Belt. Buckles are a sin.


Yowzers. Now THAT Jesus would be worth following...


I'm guessing he uses the other hand. ?

God knows


My writer-niece once penned an essay beginning with "...the day that Jesus walked into my life". He was the gardener who'd come to redo her yard. It was delightful- & slightly sweeter because her mom/my sis, a devout Lutheran, was in attendance...


Jesus has been working out... Dost thou even lift bro?


So happy for you - let us rejoice !

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