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My Hopes for when it is all over.
These cannot be predictions particularly over their dates, but when the first is done then the rest will follow.

World Co-ordination
World government
No Monarchies or privileged elites
Public ownership
Climate crisis reaches peak and confirms the strength of science
Presidents who understand common needs of all humans and science
Worker reps at all levels
U.B.I. - prep for next pandemic

Now please add your own to get us through the really difficult next month or so

Mcflewster 8 Mar 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Less technology, more humanity

How about having just humanistic technology that takes every human into consideration?

@Mcflewster Possibly in some ways, in some spheres, but as long as there are some bad apples, which there always will be, there remains too much possibility for misuse and exploitation. For instance this [] This company would have never existed if people hadn't found it neccessary to splash pictures of themselves all over Falsebook. Sure it is being used for good now, but what about when it gets in the wrong hands? Considering how quickly everything is available for sale, how long until it is the wrong hands? It's just a question of how long, not if.

@Flowerwall Yes there is a bad Apple ( for the elite that is)

@Mcflewster Well they would more likely be victims of such technology anyway, the elites.

@Flowerwall True


Oh, sweetie, thousands of books of fact, philosophy, & fiction have been published on this since Ancient Greece maybe earlier (but those would be on clay tablets)


Good luck with any of those happening...

Much appreciated . Let us all be positive.

BTW I do not believe in Luck - except when I enter the National Lottery!

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