We've all been taught to wash our hands after using the toilet, and after getting home, because of the Corona virus.
But here's a point to ponder.
If you are in a public place and wish to visit the toilet, wash-room, comfort station or whatever fancy name you have for the bog, THEN WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE having a pee, etc. The reason is that Covid-19 has to be physically carried to a body orifice, which isn't only your eyes, nose and mouth. Your genitalia and bum also count!
It might be a false alarm, but wash your hands before and after using a public loo to be safe.
Why are you out in public places....you’re supposed to be in lockdown?
Supermarket ... and you're caught short?
@Petter Ah ! That’s ok then...just checking you were doing what you’re told!
@Marionville .... and change my charming habit of a lifetime? Never!
@Petter Petter! Are you being a very naughty boy again?
@Marionville How can it be "again" when I've never stopped. I'm still on my first time!
@Petter now THAT I DO believe!
Tends to happen that way naturally for me anyway... I'll feel a need to wash my hands, and then the suggestive sound of water running for 20-30 seconds makes me feel the need to pee! So wash again!
Didn't realize I might be doing something right -- I just figured I was wasting soap and water.
I'm thinking though, that it's the suspicion that the virus can be spread from fecal mater, not that that particular orifice is helpful to the virus as a gateway to infect the lungs... that seems like swimming upstream against the current. But a person can simply not wash hands enough during these times. No problem with that.
Carry alcohol wipes. But the main thing is, keep your hands away from your face!!! This requires far more awareness than you might think!
Studies show that face touching is frequent and instinctive, so much so that we do not even realise it has taken place.
@Petter I have been practicing in my home, diligently. It is not easy, in fact exhausting. Of course my home, which I have left once since March 10th, for groceries, is safe. but cultivating the hand -awareness is IMO a survival skill.
@AnneWimsey It is indeed. But short of wearing handcuffs and one of those cone-shaped things vets put on dogs, we will still unconsciously touch our faces, scratch our head, etc.